Decrease the dilemma of setting your tax preparation fees.
Tax Preparation Fee Calculator
Figuring out what to charge for your services can be a huge challenge. But this tax fee wizard will help you skip the guesswork.
Just answer three quick questions, and you'll find out what your peers are charging for their tax services. That'll help you make better decisions about your fees.
Question 2 of 3
How many years of tax preparation experience do you have?
0 to 5 years
6 to 15 years
16 to 20 years
21+ years
Question 3 of 3
Select all of the forms and schedules your client requires.
*With no additional schedules.
Here's what tax pros like you are charging for these forms (on average):
Please note, all business/fiduciary return fees are based on a national average instead of your demographics.
You may consider higher or lower fees, depending on factors such as form complexity, your costs of doing business, your pricing strategy and whether you offer the added value of year-round services.
Data for the Service Fee Wizard comes from the National Association of Tax Professionals' 2023 Fee Study.