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printing problem

Level 4

Hello everyone

I am having a problem printing the return.  I receive a message that says unable to print file.  File corrupt.

Is anyone having this problem?

I was able to print a 2019 return.


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21 Comments 21
Level 13
Level 13

Hi Janine,

   I have not come across this but I have only printed one return and I cant actually print it due to 8995 not being ready. Have you tried multiple returns or is it only the one?

Level 15
Level 15

I printed a state only return, and it went ok. Try repair updates, and reboot. Hope that works


Level 4

Thank you for your concern.  My IT person ended up switching me to another printer.

Intuit Alumni

I'm sorry for the frustration. What printer did not work (brand, model, etc)? What printer did work?

I've been told historically that printer drivers have been an issue for some. I'd love to start gathering data when this happens to see what, if anything, we can do.

0 Cheers
Level 4

The printer that receives a message: UNABLE TO PRINT FILE.   FILE IS CORRUPT. its 

color laser jet pro M252dw.  so NJ return prints but not federal.


however, I can print the entire return , federal and NJ on the following printer:

Brother HL-L2350DW series printer.


I also keep getting the following message when I open on the 2020

professional  proseries first in the morning: 



However, I open my program and it is working correctly.  Can you help me?





0 Cheers
Intuit Alumni

We'll do our best to help. I'm sorry for the frustration.

Regarding the printer information - thank you. We'll start with trying to find a printer like that to reproduce the problem. In the meantime, can you

- Open ProSeries

- Choose Help -> Send Logs

- Email the zip it generates to proseries_engineering@intuit.com


Regarding the crash - it's probably unrelated. Next time it happens, can you enter "To Orlando, from Janine" in the details box?  And to confirm,  do you get this if you've left ProSeries open overnight? Or do you close it at the end of the day, and you get it the first time you start ProSeries?

0 Cheers
Level 4

I found logs under e-file and help, but now sure what to do next

0 Cheers
Level 4

Orlando, I have a client coming.  I will get back to this situation in the next couple of hours.  I do sincerely thank you.


0 Cheers
Intuit Alumni

You're very welcome... thanks for your patience. If you've updated to the very latest ProSeries, you should now see the menu option highlighted below (if you don't see it, please update). Select that  - it will gather all the logs and create a "zip" file on your desktop. Open up your email, browse for that and send it to proseries_engineering@intuit.com.  I'll be around 12 - 6 PST today and will take a look.


Level 4

Hi Orlando,

I just sent the proseries logs.  What should I do next.  

0 Cheers
Intuit Alumni

Thank you - received. I've been going over them and unfortunately I'm not seeing any errors. That probably means the issue is indeed at the print driver level. Stay tuned... i'm going to ask around.

0 Cheers
Level 4

So then how is it possible that I can print 2019 returns and there isn't a problem?

that the strangest thing.

thank you for helping me

0 Cheers
Level 4

just two triple check, I just printed a 2019 return on that printer.

It can't be the printer.  Oh boy!!!

0 Cheers
Intuit Alumni

Figuring this out will be a matter of stringing clues together.

Sounds like things worked fine in 2019, and some things work fine in 2020.

Is it the Federal 1040 that is not printing correctly in 2020, but New Jersey is?

And that federal is printing ok to the brother, but not the HP Laserjet?


Could you email a sanitized copy of the file that's not printing to me? I have an HP Laserjet.. I want to see what happens if I try to print.

- Right click in HomeBase and choose Sanitize. This will remove all private data, like SSNs.

- Send that sanitized file to proseries_engineering@intuit.com.  I want to see

0 Cheers
Intuit Alumni

Is the file also messed up in print preview? If not my guess is still print driver; if yes my guess is a third party component we use to print to preview or printer. We did have to update it this year - so it could account for differences between TY19 & TY20.

0 Cheers
Level 4

I opened a clinet file but cannot open anything when I right click homebase.


0 Cheers
Level 4

can you walk me thru the process of sanitizing and sending you the return?


0 Cheers
Intuit Alumni

Might be easier to do this over zoom.. just emailed you about it.

0 Cheers
Level 4

I  have not received an e-mail yet.

0 Cheers
Level 13
Level 13
Level 4

Thank you for that link.  It was helpful

Do  you have any links where I can learn more than the basic to do global and/or client print options?

0 Cheers