I designated all income and taxes paid using the T & S coding for Taxpayer and Spouse. Is there a way to run a report for each showing Income and for each their... read more
An LLC taxed as a partnership has elected Subchapter S status for 2024. When trying to input information for an 1120S, I get an error message of a duplicate Tax... read more
Daycare client installed new hardwood flooring with a cost of $4700 in rooms use by both family and daycare kids. Because the flooring is an improvement, is dep... read more
If the taxable amount on a 1099-r is less than the gross distribution why does the gross distribution get transferred to the 1040 but not the taxable amount
I had a client come to my office and he told me that he used the MAZA app to obtain an ITIN, he said there was no need to file a tax return or mail in a passpor... read more
Hi all,Thanks in advance for your help.I have an error trying to set up NJ CBT-1065 for e-filing. There is no tax due."NJ Partnership Information Worksheet: Nam... read more
I have clients with multiple brokerage accounts with activity reported on multiple 1099Bs. I’ve used the financial institution download feature and it works as ... read more
Can somebody explain to me why the tax software reads like the HSA (Code W - on a W-2) is totally the employer's contribution?Form 8889 - Part 1 - Smart Workshe... read more
My client moved into their rental home. How can I suspend depreciation on the property while they live there? I don't know how long they will reside there.
Have a client with 2 Forms 1099R with code J P for distributions from a Roth account. I have entered the basis of the contributions so that $6,000 is not taxed.... read more
I tried e-filing a bunch of individual returns today but keep getting EFIN error. I went into Preparer Info and the firm info and the preparer code was gone. I ... read more