I am an "active" not "material" participant in real estate investing with a rental property without any intermediate manager, and a Real Estate partnership that... read more
Not sure i understand why we can't efile with 8962 form that has a nol on line 2a? Could the program be allowed to do that? I am sure there is a good reason, bu... read more
Please add a 'Next Asset' button that we are able to navigate between asset 'details' screen without having to scroll and go back etc. Preferably, at the top of... read more
Form 1040/1040SR Reject: The IRS requires the total withholding amount on Form 1040 to be less than the total of the following income: Total amount from Form(s)... read more
Dear Community,Our clients want to start uploading their 2025 documents into the tax organizer. But I don't see one for 2025.What do you suggest to your clients... read more
I have self employed health insurance paid by an S corporation. I have included the SE health insurance premiums on the shareholder's W2 and Pro Connect only al... read more
I have a client who would like to pay everything owed with the set up of efile. 2024 was the entity's first year of business. They have to pay for FTB for 2024 ... read more
For an LLC-P return I was able to generate and efile the 1065 and IT-204, however the section for IT-204-LL does not allow me to process the IT-204-LL e-file. I... read more
When clients get a green checkmark when uploading in link yet it says "We've uploaded documents successfully, but couldn't match them correctly," what does that... read more
My client told me when she tried to login, she was told she didn't have an account and needed to create one. So she did that and then received the message "Noth... read more
I am preparing PA-40 for a taxpayer and spouse (MFJ) that separately earned dividends as well as a couple of joint accounts. I have entered which interest and d... read more
I had a filing rejected for a client with a message that Form 8962 must be included. Client is a 24 year old, single, non-dependent friend of the family who ini... read more