If Lacerte is capable of doing something, and it's in the 1040, 1120S, or 1065 package, I can probably figure out how to do it. If it's a tax question, I might know what the right answer is, but on the internet, No One Knows You're a Dog, so do your own research and use your own professional judgement!
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If it's just an informational checkbox (no affected tax calculations), check it in pen. It's unlikely anyone here has 2006 NJ installed, and if right-click Jump...
Personally, I use the field called (4) Federal income tax withheld in the Form 1099-DIV section of Screen 12.
Not estimates, but I've disclosed other stuff on Form 8275. It's always handy to have your thought process well laid out in writing at the time, in case you nee...
1) Select all your clients (F3 from the main screen) 2) Client, Export, Export to File 3) Select the fields you want and move them to the right-hand column by c...
Time to get out the forms instructions and dig into the state statutes! Yes, your NV and CA entities are going to have to file in AZ and LA. I'd have to read th...