I have an adult client who received a 1098-T form. He qualifies for the Lifetime Learning Credit. I am getting an error to complete the Due Diligence checklist,... read more
I missed getting the required 18 hours of CPE and didn't (couldn't) renew my PTIN by 12/31/24. I'm an 'inactive' licensed CPA. Can I take the required coursewor... read more
on 1099-R input sheet, is just the line regarding the charitable contribution entered or should the RMD line just below it also be completed?Am afraid that ente... read more
Has anyone heard yet if there needs to be a special heading on amended returns that are filed due to the passage of H.R. 5863 Federal Disaster Tax Relief, signe... read more
Box 12 not working like it did before. When you enter an amount on the first line and hit enter it goes to the next code but it wipes out the code you had in it... read more
Hello,Looking for direction with a unique situation.Client presented a 1099R from a financial trust showing $85k gross distribution and $85k taxable with Taxabl... read more
I was just reading my e-news e-mail from the IRS. All of these years we thought barbers were giving good advice. I am just utterly shocked when I read the e-mai... read more
There was a box to select to print the state K-1 with the federal K-1. Where did it go? These instructions talk about it, but this does not come up.https://acco... read more
I am trying to print the Schedule B to include with the clients return. It is not required since the interest is below the $1500, but I always like to print it ... read more