Hello everyone,I have a client with aW2 where Box 1 is less than W2 Box 11. This is Creating Negative Wages on 1040 Tax Year 2023! Has anyone had that problem? ... read more
Client was in a memory care facility for all of 2024. His wife passed in January of 2024. Son has POA. Total cost of the memory care facility was over $144,000.... read more
And they told a couple of stories while they were in: One day Sven was complaining to Ole that he couldn't get a girlfriend, and none of the ladies ever look h... read more
Entered W-2 for client in 2024. Client is a NH resident and worked in NH. As you all know NH has no personal income tax. However, I have an error on the for, wh... read more
I have a client who lives on 40 acres. He does some farming on it. There is a "Swell" in the land which was eroding over the past 4 years. He said it was previo... read more
HI everyone,Now I realize that I am missing a few clients from last year that didn't transfer correctly.Does anyone have a customer support phone number handy?T... read more
Please Help. By oversight I attached the wrong New York State return to the NYC-1127 and efiled the city return. How can i Correct this and provide the correct ... read more
Couple live in MI but husband's W2 in Indiana sourced. Wife has no IN sourced income but has Ohio locality sourced income. So Box 18 on her Fed W2 screen has th... read more
I live in Germany. For Billing address I select Country as other however state... will not let me continue... Germany nor region nor if I select Illinois will i... read more