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How to Start a Tax Business and Market it for Optimal Growth

Tax and accounting firms are like any other business that has direct customer interaction — they need to market their customer service as much as they promote their products. If you want the 4-1-1 on how to start a tax business, keep these marketing tips in mind.

  • Promote what you excel at. If you are able to quickly process and file your customers' tax returns and do it faster than your competition, then consider running a campaign on the theme of your customers getting their taxes done over the lunch hour. However, if your record is exemplary in being error-free, you'll want to promote this feature to attract customers. When you start a tax preparation business, highlight those specialties immediately.
  • Use tax accounting programs to save time and storage space. A cloud-based accounting software program like ProConnect Tax Online is a trusted service providing your new tax business with efficiency to help you draw more customers. Find out more about this tax accounting program and others at
  • Encourage word-of-mouth promotions. Getting your happy customers to promote your business to their friends and family is free. But you might want to add a low-budget incentive to encourage this word-of-mouth promotion. Some ideas include a discount for a family bringing in multiple returns at a time, or offering a credit for processing next year's tax return for a current client if a new customer comes in based on the recommendations made by that client.
  • Create an identity customers will remember. When starting a tax business, present a unified front with your website, any print, TV or online ads you place, as well as your business front and all the equipment inside your office. Work with a graphic designer to help make your logo and business identity look unified.
  • Become involved in your community. Starting a tax business isn't easy, so join your local chamber of commerce or get involved in a business leaders group to glean ideas about operating a successful small business in your community. Also participate in community efforts like a fundraiser for a local charity or a roadside clean-up program to help get your company name into the public's eye — showing that you are a community-involved company.
  • A happy customer usually is a repeat customer, so set your business up catering to good customer service, and then market it. From a small town office to opening a company in a large city, these marketing tips give you the know-how to start a tax preparation business on the right foot.
  • Become a TurboTax Live tax expert. Supplement your income without the burden of additional marketing and admin work by becoming part of the Tax Expert Network. Intuit® allows tax professionals to connect directly to taxpayers through a virtual on-demand platform. You’ll have the flexibility to pick the hours you’d like to work and assist TurboTax Live customers from your own workspace. To apply and view frequently asked questions about this opportunity, visit the website.