tried adding antoher user to my QB and proconnect tax online but ran into an issue with the added user having more admin rights than I did. I noticed that as th... read more
Received 1099-C for student loans. Do those loans automatically qualify for the student loan forgiveness?I entered the 1099-C normally and as usual it is taxabl... read more
I am working on a return that has crypto transactions, individually entered on "Quick Entry: Dispositions (Schedule D, 4797, etc.)" which fill in form 8949 corr... read more
Anyone else dealt with this rejection code? I have an issue with the software stating that the designated partner's phone number is not valid or incorrect (well... read more
If an S Corp shareholder makes a SEP contribution for 2024 in 2025 before the due date of the return, it's my understanding that it can either be deducted in 20... read more
I am e-filing a final return for an individual and his son has been appointed fiduciary by a NY Court. In Proconnect where do I enter the fiduciary's name so th... read more
I have had several clients this year who were unable to successfully login to Intuit Link using the URL in the invitation email originated by me within Intuit L... read more
I'm having trouble finding the appropriate location to enter state PTE payments made in a way that will impact the federal deductions, while leaving the state l... read more