I have a client who operates a general partnership. When filing their 1065, the federal was accepted but their Texas filing was rejected because of their accoun... read more
This is the first year I have my practice and trying to use ProConnect. Do anyone know how to make the system shows the stock sales in line 1b of Schedule D and... read more
It is now 4:09 PM Eastern. I have not been able to log in to either ProConnect or QuickBooks today since early morning. I have many returns to complete and litt... read more
Taxpayer moved from MD to PA 4/1/24. W-2 wages during MD residence that are being allocated to MD then taxpayer stopped working. Taxpayer receives SS benefits f... read more
I have a new client partnership return. It has prior year loss carryover from the previous year for his rental property. Where do I enter the carryover?
Mistakenly entered the wrong date for direct debit payment and submitted the retun. Is there any way to adjust the date after submittig it? I'm assuming no.
I have selected the appropriate items for Schedule A and entered the data, but it is not showing as a form to print out and attach to the 990-PF before submitti... read more
Hello lovely community,I have a C Corp client (manufacturing business) and it qualifies as a small business. The new Form 6765 is a bit confusing so I would lik... read more
Maybe i posted this before... but this is NOT good. On every one of my Sch C tax clients, a single expense line item is truncated-removed-gone on every Tax Orga... read more
My client is a foreign student with treaty exemption. her W-2 box1 shows an income but no income tax withheld. In preparing her 1040-NR, I entered W-2 box 1 amo... read more
I have a client that sold her house in 2024. She can take the exclusion of $250,000 but ProConnect does not show a worksheet.Can someone help me to entry the co... read more
Hello CommunityMy client sold his rental property in 2024.I have calculated his adjusted cost basis including the depreciation taken and not taken but allowed t... read more
Hi Community,Have the 1099R for Back Door Roth (Conversions to Roth) changed?This 1099RBox 1 has DistributionBox 2a has a TAXABLE AMOUNT equity to Box 1Box 2b s... read more