Gregory E CPA
Level 1

Good evening,

A few days ago I started receiving the error message "Encountered an improper argument' when working in ProSeries 2021 and ProSeries 2020. When this error message is displayed the software will not complete the task (i.e., efile, print, etc.) and the client file will not be properly saved. I am required to execute the 'Tools - Repair Updates' software and the homebase maintenance function to restore client file and restore functionality. Attached are a few images for reference. I did upgrade to windows 11, version 22h2 a few weeks ago. Any thoughts or guidance addressing this problem would be appreciated.

Task Manager - ProSeries Info (9-28-2022).gif

ProSeries 2020 - Encountered an improper arguement (9-28-2022).gif

ProSeries 2021 - Encountered an improper arguement (9-28-2022).gif

Level 15
Level 15

@Intuit_hieu Can you help with this situation?  This is a new one for me.


0 Cheers

Hi @Gregory E CPA 

Thanks for reaching out.

If you are still able to reproduce this issue, please try to print the forms using a different print driver available in the proseries print center and let us know the results.

Steps to change the proseries print driver : 

Step 1 : Launch Proseries
Step 2 : click the "Print Center" icon from the toolbar
Step 3 : click button "Printer, PDF and DMS Setup..."
Step 4 : choose different print driver from the available options and click ok.
Step 5 : click ok to close the print center
Step 6 : open a return and print forms

Refer attached screenshot. 

Level 3

I have been getting this message on one Dell box with a Xeon processor every since the last Windows 11 update was installed.

I don't believe it is specifically related to printing as sometimes the error occurs while there is nothing specific occurring, other times it happens when moving into/out of the state return and then other times it happens while printing.

Then most of the time the error doesn't occur at all while working with returns.

It is a little annoying currently, but it will be a substantial issue if it isn't fixed soon.

0 Cheers
Level 15
Level 15

@Intuit_Siva  Im seeing this reported over in the ProSeries Facebook group as well, so its still we have anymore information about this issue?

Level 2


I’ve encountered the same problem. I can’t save any work done in 2021, once i press save file turns into temp file and I can’t even open the file any longer. It doesn’t matter weather it’s a corporate return or personal.

I was advised by proseries they are aware of the issue and working on the fix. I highly doubt they’ll be able to issue the fix before the deadline.

it’s really frustrating. Especially when you pay arm and a leg for the software. 

Did you find the solution ? If anyone did please post it here.

Thank you very much. 

0 Cheers
Level 2

I am facing the same issue since last week. I have spent at least three days calling Proseries and every agent tried in their own way to resolve the issue but no success. It is not resolved even after reinstalling the program which carried all updates of the program.

This issue was escalated and still their team as of today has not resolved this issue and finally blamed Microsoft and left me with Microsoft.


I consulted IT professional and they kept saying that this should have been resolved by Proseries and not Microsoft.

As of today I am clueless who can solve this problem 


0 Cheers
Level 2

Did you try downgrade Windows 11 before the update? If yes did that fix the issue? 

0 Cheers
Level 3

I'm going to agree that the issue has been caused by Microsoft's early October update.  However, since Intuit utilizes Microsoft operating system for their software, it makes it a problem of Intuit to figure out what changed and why.

So far the issue seems to affect only select computers, so if you have an extra computer with the software installed you should consider using it until Intuit has learned why this isn't working right.

I haven't tried the last suggestion, but rolling Windows back to the September configuration might be a good choice too.

While I don't know why the error is occurring, I have found that running Homebase Maintenance will bring back the "deleted" client files.  It seems that restarting ProSeries is normally required as part of this process also.

Finally, I also experienced this making my main computer no longer findable on the peer to peer network.  Turning off the Network sharing settings in Advanced Networking and restarting the computer before turning these back on has dealt with this particular issue.

Again, it is definitely something that Microsoft has changed, and Intuit just needs to catchup with the computing world on it.

0 Cheers
Level 1

Thank you for that option.  However, I only have one printer. Are you suggesting I buy another printer?  There must be a better solution.

0 Cheers


The ProSeries Engine team is working with Microsoft on this specific issue. It did have to do with an update in Windows 11. 



This issue will only affect people who are using 22H2 release of Windows 11 and ProSeries TY21 and older.


1. You can roll back the 22H2 update in Windows 11.

2. You can reduce the number of formsets you are installing into ProSeries if you continue in 22H2.

Currently, Microsoft has planned to fix this issue in a late January 2023 release.

0 Cheers
Level 3

Brian thank you for the updates.  Can you explain "reduce the number of formsets you are installing into ProSeries if you continue in 22H2"

I don't know what this is referring to or how to accomplish it.



For example, lets say when you installed you decided to install all returns. Every Fed (1040, 1120, 1120s, 1041,ect) and every state (AL, AR, ect, ect). 

ProSeries will load every return into memory and with that 2gig limitation, it will dump out when virtual memory runs out (the aforementioned 2gig limitation the Microsoft bug forces when running a 32bit application).

Sorry for using the term 'Formset' I realize its probably our more technical term for how you refer to a return.

So when you are installing ProSeries you get to select all the types of returns you wish to install. Well, you would want to uninstall return types you aren't using to free up the memory space limitation if you don't want to, or for some reason can't roll back the 22H2 update from Microsoft.

0 Cheers

Steps to uninstall a return type in ProSeries

1. In Search, type Control Panel and open

2. Go to Add/Remove Programs in Windows

3. Select ProSeries to Uninstall/Change a program

4. Select Return types you are not using. 

I hope this answers your question



0 Cheers

This problem will be fixed with an upcoming Windows 11 Update on 11/28/2022.

Level 3

Brian - Thank you for providing us with this important date. Since updates do not always happen on schedule and do not always happen as planned, would you please let us know when it is safe to allow the 22H2 update to be installed? I would rather not allow the update if there is still a known problem. Thank you very much.

0 Cheers

we do have an investigation on this issue to track how many are having this issue. You can also go back one update in windows 11 as well with IT or microsoft support until this patch comes out.

Level 3

Thank you very much for that additional information. When this issue originally occurred, I did successfully roll back from 22H2 to 21H2 and postponed any updates for 5 weeks (on most of my computers). However, since updates are an important part of computer security, I would like to resume updating my machines as soon as possible. I understand that the update it is supposed to happen on 11/28. However, it would be comforting to have it confirmed by Proseries once Microsoft has actually accomplished a satisfactory fix before allowing the update to happen again.


To provide further information/context. We on the ProSeries engine team worked directly with Microsoft about this issue specifically so I can confirm that we did in fact get an early release of the fix and established that the patch did fix the issue. Once its released I am certain it fixes the issue as we have already tested it. 

As for allowing Microsoft to do anything, we are not really in any position to allow or disallow any patches they push. 

I can however assert that it was with the help of the people on this community that we were able to act quickly and decisively concerning the issue and present Microsoft with evidence that their update did in fact cause the issue. And for that I thank you. Your assistance helped everyone who is using ProSeries and upgraded to Windows 11. 


0 Cheers
Level 3

Brian - Sorry if I have not been clear enough. I have rolled back from 22H2 to 21H2. I will not allow my computers to update until Microsoft has pushed the version that works with Proseries. My problem is that I have no way of knowing when they have actually pushed out that corrected version. You had indicated that it was supposed to happen on 11/28. I just thought that it would be helpful to the community if someone at Proseries would let us know when that update actually is released by Microsoft. This would prevent us from updating our computers only to need to roll them back again. Thank you.

Level 2

Brian you and Intuit did not act quick enough. Passing the buck to Microsoft is a lame excuse. My files have been corrupted, and no one on your tech team including tier 2 have been able to uncorrupt my files. "Error Code 120", occurring after remaining the .tmp file in the Data folder.

No other software program on my machine "encountered an improper argument". Other than Pro-Series of course. I have no way to uncorrupt my flies and your staff are clueless when I call them about this error.



Your feedback is appreciated. It is not my intention to provide any excuse, lame or otherwise but to provide information. I understand you're frustrated and certainly it reflects poorly on all of us when these things go wrong. Software development is a very complicated business and we don't always get it right, but we never intend harm or incompetency and are ever trying to improve. Comments like yours sting as I'm sure you intended so please know that yours has landed. We will endeavor to perform better.  


It looks like Microsoft has moved up the release date to 11/22/22 and it will be contained in 

KB 5020044

Level 4

I find it easiest to Reinstall ProSeries when this happens. All files are restored. Just had this situation yesterday.

0 Cheers
Level 3

Brian - Just checking in to see if KB 5020044 has been deployed by Microsoft yet. Looking to find out if it is safe to update my computers now or if I should continue to wait. Thank you.

0 Cheers

Hello @JeromeLeventhal

Previously I gave a date that was 11/22, but I was informed by my teammate who gave me the first date that he got an email indicating the release date was moved to 11/28. So apologies for the bumpy notifications, it "should" be available now.

I'm trying to update now to confirm.

0 Cheers
Level 2

There were no Windows 11 updates yesterday or today, as of 12:05PM est 11/29/2022

Will Pro Series also be issuing an update to 2020, 2021 and all previous years ?

0 Cheers
Level 3


I just did a search on the Microsoft support web site and do not see any updates after 11/15/2022 (KB5020030). Since this is not my area, I am not certain that I am correct. Here is the link that I was looking at:

Looking forward to hearing your thoughts.



0 Cheers

Its contained in a Release Preview. The article was published on the 17th. Note: this article is notification of an upcoming release.

However my teammate indicates he doesn't think it has been released yet and thinks it will be released later today.

If we monitor this page it should inform us when it actually releases.

This is the latest information I have.

0 Cheers
Level 3

Thank you!

0 Cheers
Level 2

This has been going on for a month now with no help from Proseries. Are they going to compensate us for the fact that their product has not been functioning? And all the HOURS wasted restoring files their failed product deletes and attempting any and all ideas to get some work done?

0 Cheers

Hello @FredB

By your post I can understand clearly you are very frustrated. From my point of view we have been working diligently with Microsoft to fix this asap and I can confirm today that the latest Windows 11 update does in fact contain the patch needed to fix this issue. It is never our intention to appear as if we are not doing our level best to serve you to the best of our ability. As previously mentioned, software development is a collaborative and complicated endeavor and notwithstanding our level best, circumstances beyond our control often, and in this case specifically, contribute to frustrating results.

I can simply say we will endeavor to do better.

Level 15

"Are they going to compensate us "


The more I know the more I don’t know.
Level 2

I spoke with Microsoft and, as expected, they say it's not their fault. All software companies are aware of the release and it's details so it's Proseries duty to adjust their software appropriately. And as they added thousands of apps etc were updated for the release. Obviously Proseries did not care to.

0 Cheers
Level 15

Microsoft and Intuit have a pissing match like this at least once a year. It is never their fault.

We are innocent bystanders/casualties.

The more I know the more I don’t know.

Can anyone on this thread confirm their issues have been fixed with the Microsoft Patch? I would appreciate the confirmation.

0 Cheers
Level 3

I have been holding off on updates on all of our computer in anticipation of the answer to this question.

0 Cheers

I've personally confirmed its working, however I would like confirmation from a customer as that is also part of our partnership verification with Microsoft.

0 Cheers
Level 3

Quick questions...When I look at the Microsoft web site, the update says "preview". Does that require any special method to install?

0 Cheers

No, no special method. The fact it says preview is due to you signing up for an early release of Windows 11 and so its a indication of what version you are running. Just consider it nomenclature. You want the latest 22H2 release.

0 Cheers
Level 2

I just completed the Windows 11 update and the issue is continuing on ProSeries 21. Please advise.

0 Cheers
Level 15
Level 15

@Brian_Christian can you add any more assistance in this thread?

0 Cheers
Level 3


I ran all available updates (MicroSoft and hardware), after everything is up to date I ran ProSeries 2021, 2020 and 2022 simultaneously then opened and saved numerous client files. I did not experience any repeats of the error. These same functions tended to be when the error was most likely to occur before the updating that I did.

For statistical purposes, I only had the issue on my main box. My configuration is Network version running on a workstation box (no dedicated file server). The box is a Dell Precision 5810T running a Xeon processor, 32GB ram and SSD drive. All the workstations and the standalone laptops never exhibited this issue.

Hope this helps.

0 Cheers
Level 2

Have you attempted to print a single or group of clients? I experienced it when I was attempting to create multiple client PDF files (FC, CC, PC) for file backup. I will again try a bit later and update.

0 Cheers
Level 3

Brian - As a test, I just allowed my home computer to update to 22H2. When I look at the update history, the most current update is now: "2022-11 Cumulative Update for Windows 11 for x64-based Systems (KB5019961)". I do not see the "KB5020044" update. I reran the update and nothing new was downloaded. The Microsoft Web Site shows the update that you are speaking about as "Preview". Is it possible that because Microsoft has labeled the update as "preview" it won't download for all of us who are not in some special program? I don't want to update my office computers at this time since I can't afford to have all of my machines out of commission (not to mention the time that it takes to update each and every computer). As I am sure that you know, we are getting extremely close to tax season, and I think that I can speak for the community that this is causing a lot of stress for all of us. Any thoughts that you might have to get us past this problem would be much appreciated. Thank you. - Jerome

0 Cheers
Level 3

Brian - I have spent some time looking at Microsoft blogs and found an article that might be helpful. It is at:

This article points to the following link for downloading KB5020044:

I was able to use that link to successfully download the KB502044 to my Windows 11 22H2 home machine as a test. What are your thoughts? Is this something that we all can use for our highly important office computers?

0 Cheers
Level 3

Brian - As a test, I allowed my home computer to update to 22H2. When I look at the update history, the most current update on my home machine was: "2022-11 Cumulative Update for Windows 11 for x64-based Systems (KB5019961)". I did not see the "KB5020044" update on my computer. I reran the update and nothing new was downloaded. The Microsoft Web Site shows the update that you are speaking about as "Preview". Is it possible that because Microsoft has labeled the update as "preview" it won't download? I have spent some time looking at Microsoft blogs and found an article that might be helpful. It is at:

This article points to the following link for downloading KB5020044:

I was able to use that link to successfully download the KB502044 to my Windows 11 22H2 home machine as a test. Will this solve the problem with Proseries Crashing? Is this something that we all can use for our highly important office computers? I don't want to update my office computers at this time since I can't afford to have all of my machines out of commission (not to mention the time that it takes to update each and every computer). As I am sure that you know, we are getting extremely close to tax season, and I think that I can speak for the community that this is causing a lot of stress for all of us. Any thoughts that you might have to get us past this problem would be much appreciated. Thank you. - Jerome

0 Cheers
Level 3

I was successfully able to print multiple client PDFs in 2021, 2020 and then I also ran several PDF prints simultaneously on a workstation to further stress test the update.

On my fully updated computer I have not experienced the error message since the last Microsoft update was installed.

I can't speak for others who have experienced this error problem, but for my office's configuration it does seem to be fixed.

Level 2

You are correct! The most recent update to Windows 11 has resolved my issue with printing the 2021 return(s) prepared in 2022. The updated fix to Windows 11 took a bit to install (stand alone), but the issue is no longer present. Thanks to all that had input on this issue!

View solution in original post