My client has foreign earned income on line 1h of form 1040 and foreign earned income exclusion (from form 2555) on line 8 of form 1040; therefore, lines 9, 11,... read more
Taxpayer has a negative MAGI because of an NOL carryforward. His Household Income as a Percentage of Federal Poverty Line on Line 5 of Form 8962 is 0%. Even wit... read more
My client received 2 separate W-2's with dependent care benefits in Box 10 in both. One W-2 shows $2500 in Box 10 and the other W-2 shows $3000 for a total of $... read more
What happened to the box on Screen 3 CA Miscellaneous that allowed us to mark a tax client asRequires Electronic Payment?For tracking purposes, we need to have ... read more
When clients get a green checkmark when uploading in link yet it says "We've uploaded documents successfully, but couldn't match them correctly," what does that... read more
I am preparing Form 1041 and there are 8 beneficiaries. The trust received dividend and interest income ($1,000) as well as an IRA distribution ($100,000).One o... read more
I am trying to request a refund of an excess balance in my PPR account. I went through the drop down menus on the My account, Billing, Pro series PPR, Request P... read more
Three of my clients have been "locked" out of LINK over the past 3 days.Is anyone else experiencing this problem?How do I find out if the problem is LINK orient... read more
Why do I get an error message in ProSeries on Alabama 20-S pages 4-5 saying to attach a statement? (It says one ormore entries in the balance sheet require an a... read more