Form 1040/1040SR Reject: The IRS requires the total withholding amount on Form 1040 to be less than the total of the following income: Total amount from Form(s)... read more
My client does not have access to the history on the Roth account. The original holding period exceeded 5 years but her holding period just started in 2023. The... read more
Hello and good afternoon I’m timing. A 1102 s. Cooperate return client had a loss in the corporate return I keep on getting this error what does this error mean... read more
My client has foreign earned income on line 1h of form 1040 and foreign earned income exclusion (from form 2555) on line 8 of form 1040; therefore, lines 9, 11,... read more
Hi to all.I filed the original return 3 days ago, and it was accepted. Today, the client gave me a new 1099-NEC. Can I file a 1040-X today?Thanks for help!
client received ssdi distribution of 50,000 from which 6000 was deducted for attorney fees. Additionally 2000 and 23800 were for previous years. This is causing... read more
T/P died and primary house was sold within one year of death by the Estate. The gain far exceeds the $250,000 exclusion. Does the Estate get the stepped-up-basi... read more
I was trying to drag the pop up separate window for form view to my second monitor. However I cannot drag to a second monitor. first time to use Lacrete and wou... read more
When clients get a green checkmark when uploading in link yet it says "We've uploaded documents successfully, but couldn't match them correctly," what does that... read more
I've seen a few new clients this year who have a 1099 Misc or NEC of a fairly minimal amount and no expenses. Their previous tax guy reported the income directl... read more
I've got an LLC partnership with 3 owners. One owner was bought out by the other 2 owners. In Pro Series, Sch K-1 Wks, beginning Profit, Loss and Ownership was ... read more