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Now that IS funny!!
At the rate Intuit is going they will have to filed and extension for the extension,'
So rather than just ignoring it we have to hear you tell everybody how much people shouldn’t be saying something multiple times. So we hear from you more than anybody else! Cheers
Is that suppose to be a compliment?
So what. He can post whatever he wants. Not necessary to bust his chops just because you feel you've hear enough. Turn the channel.
Exactly - no, I think that was directed to Qbteachmt. (At least it should have been)
What's WIN 11? I'm still using Windows me.
I already presented a workaround query.
In the 2020 software set up a home base query that lists the TAXABLE IRAs and TOTAL IRAs. then sort. If there are total IRAs of $75,000 and Taxable IRAs of $25,000 (or more), then you might have a 3 yr spread candidate.
@Ephesians3-14 wrote:
I already presented a workaround query.
In the 2020 software set up a home base query that lists the TAXABLE IRAs and TOTAL IRAs. then sort. If there are total IRAs of $75,000 and Taxable IRAs of $25,000 (or more), then you might have a 3 yr spread candidate.
Good idea.
Personally, I always look my client's prior year tax return when preparing and reviewing the current year return, so I would see it there.
I take it that thiswas about me. If so thankyou for you support. I can not be too bad since I have just been raised to level 8
@rcooley25 - I believe you have set a new Intuit record - you are the first person to ever move up 8 levels all basically based on one post - form 8915F—————- congratulations on that accomplishment😉
Thank you
"I take it that thiswas about me."
Isn't there a song about "you probably think this song is about you..."
"no, I think that was directed to Qbteachmt. (At least it should have been)"
I stopped following this many topics on the same issue. Sorry.
"I can not be too bad since I have just been raised to level 8"
Oh, another song reference: "She works hard for her money. So hard for it, Honey."
You'll all look back on this and laugh. For the same reason that women are willing to give birth more than one time = you'll forget the pain, later, once the returns are out, and you start dealing with all the other issues that will rise up from that event.
I want to start a new counter: everyone who threatened to find a prep program elsewhere, and actually do so.
I beleive the song you are talking about is by Carly Simon called your so vain.
Thank you all for your feedback.
Coming Soon: 8915 Client Analyzer Query for 2020
No, I would prefer they work on the actual form.
However, they have over a month so it should be time enough to do both unless Intuit is hiring monkeys.
Going by some of the people I have talked to at Intuit to say they have hired monkeys is an insult to monkeys.
lol. touche sir.
So speaking with a "Rep" who told you that the release would include Form 8915-F bore no fruit, correct? As it doesn't bear any fruit three weeks later. Last year was tough, with the CARES Act, the Reconciliation of UE, Advance Child Credit, and of course the inability to correctly and efficiently resolve any pending tax matters with either a phone contact or correspondence. It's amazing to me, the IRS has had Form 8915 for over 5 years now, from 8915-A to 8915-E, so it is not as if this is a totally new document, or new calculations, and yet on March 4, the community still doesn't have what is desperately needed. Thank the Lord I had the presence to carryforward enough of the refunds for my clients who choose the CARES act withdrawals to see them through this season and the next when this nightmare ends. SO for me, it's been relatively easy to see a carryover of prior year tax refund and go back to pick up the needed information. And no surprises for the client with the presentation of an unexpected tax bill. Now, if only INTUIT would get off the ball and provide the Form 8915-F and allow us to march forward with confidence and remain looking the the professionals we are supposed to be. Learned, educated, wise and proficient. Instead, my list grows ever longer of clientelle that will need "revisited" when the form is finally released by INTUIT. And I don't even want to talk about task scheduler and it's failure this year, or it's "ghosting" and gone.............. What?? And why?? After 25 years with ProSeries and knowing the program inside out, this is the nightmare I never dreamed of having to deal with. Therefore, I'm shopping. I don't need an "early bird" discount, or a lock of my funds or any other enticements. I just need a program that works. Fully. IRS has released this form over a month ago, and INTUIT says they will have it ready within two weeks of final release. Sure, and I bet INTUIT has some oceanfront property for sale in Death Valley a "pre-development" price, right? Not after this year, as I will due my diligence and really test-drive the other opportunities after the season ends. It may be more work for me on the front end, test driving and testing, but I am also certain the rewards will be more than satisfying. And most satisfying will be the knowledge that I voted with my financials and sent the message that "it doesn't pay to play". TO my bretheren in the Service and to those of us who strive to be the "Best we can Be", I feel your pain, your struggles, and I pray for us all. Keep the faith, keep your sanity, and get there the "Fustest with the Mostest". Drive on, don't mean nothing. Let's tighten our spurs and ride this demon to it's fatigue and demise. Then dust our britches off, smile and have a cold drink to celebrate at the end. Scouts out............
@Slats wrote:
Not after this year, as I will due my diligence and really test-drive the other opportunities after the season ends. It may be more work for me on the front end, test driving and testing, but I am also certain the rewards will be more than satisfying.
If you are looking for a lower "learning curve", I suggest that you test drive ATX and Tax Act Professional, because both have similar data-entry to ProSeries.
To those of you who are reading this post from slats do you get the idea that he is greatly upset?
"and Tax Act Professional"
Remember this?
I just ran into this, needed to review last year client and forgot that we did the 3 year spread.
We need a query to see what clients this applied to instead of reviewing all of them since this is no carry over. Wonder what other things like this are lurking out there?
Maybe it is time to move to Drake.
There might be good reasons to move to Drake but this is not one of them. Have your clients bring in their copies of last year returns or if they are your repeating clients reprint last years return yourself. This is simply good business.
After over 30 years, I am definitely leaving ProSeries. They are making us look stupid and pissing off my long time clients. First New Jersey wasn't ready, now the Foreign Tax Credit form and 8915 not even commenting on not carrying over the amounts automatically. They have all of the info from prior year and if we miss it, then we will be responsible for any penalties and interest.
Time to switch and it won't be to Lacerte so the same company can get more money from me.
30+ years and good bye, useless company that got too big.
John G in NJ
I can't agree more. Simply reviewing the previous years return is not a defense for intuit/proseries.
Some returns could have a dozen or more carryforwards from a dozen different limitations. Not to mention depreciation. At some point everyone relies on the software to some degree, if not, you are doing some really simple tax returns.
What else is lurking out there.... That's a scary thought....
It appears as if ProSeries and INTUIT in general are failing everywhere this year. I've looked on the TurboTax blogs and wow; the messages from users are mostly about how TurboTax took their funds, sometimes double-dipping, then either not transmitting the return, or coming back with demands that the individual "ante up" more money for additional services, in addition to any amendments. It appears that INTUIT has chosen to satisfy their shareholders at the expense of their customers. Customer service has been outsourced, automatic updates of this "piss poor" program have disappeared, NO ONE at INTUIT is listening, or reading any of this, and they have failed to "proof" forms that other software providers have available. This is absolutely the poorest edition of ProSeries in my 26 years of experience with Intuit. I don't know about other providers and how they flow or data input, compute, transmit, acknowledge, Ect.; however, I am assured that I will be contacting them and "test driving" their offerings. I have done the best I can by my clientele, and always look back at the previous year's filing to ensure there are no surprises, carryovers or other bits of information that may need follow up. It's damning that we should even be having discussions about failures on the part of Intuit instead of serving our client base well and faithfully. Still, IT IS the world we inhabit now. Customer Service is non-existant outside of individual service providers who rely on their expertise and still strive to work correctly with all they serve and service. I'll be ever so happy to see January 1, 2024, when the nightmare known now as the C.A.R.E.S. Act ends and we have gotten beyond all the stimulus questions, the carryovers on 8915, the Advance Child Tax credit, the U/E reconciliation of 2020, and then look forward to the changes of 2025 when the Tax Cut and Jobs Act expires..........What then??? In the interim, as consumers we can exercise our choice by voting with the only real tool we have, our financials. Maybe a loss of revenue will wake "corporate" up and maybe, just maybe they will see the error of their ways and turn again. Probably not. We are the "entitlement" and "drive through" society, order here, pick up there, I deserve to have all that; and "I got mine, to hell with yours". I feel the pain of all professionals who strive to provide. I'm rowing that same boat, and seeing the rocks and shoals. Meanwhile............"Scouts out!"
Unfortunately it’s not just Intuit. We all understand that every program has its limitations and difficulties. I think it’s involved with cost-cutting. I have said all along that there’s a disconnect between the programmers the support people and the end users. The support people are not as well trained as in the past. I always understand this type of employee turnover and I don’t mind if someone doesn’t know an answer. Get back to me with an answer or get back to me with a fix. I think that is the biggest issue here. None of us mind if the form is going to take longer than another software program. Just let us know and then let us know why it will take this long. None of that is happening. The only issue is switching to another software is a pain in the butt. The carryovers the conversions etc. It’s not impossible but it’s a real headache when you have a lot of clients. That doesn’t mean it won’t happen it just means I’m going to think twice before I do it unless they make it impossible. Not quite there yet for me . But they are pushing it
Jamierac, I feel the pain and understand. Unfortunately, we as "professionals" have to perform flawlessly, and never let the client see you shiver, quiver, or twitch. Looking back at the previous year is the best way to determine if anything needs carried forward, since INTUIT, (See "IDIOT", now!) won't assist us with rolling forward that data we need. Maybe after the pain of this filing season ends we can all join hands and sing "A song of tomorrow, tomorrow, it's all good tomorrow"!! Hang in there, this too will pass................
Really? New? I don't think so. Look at 8915-A, B, C, D and the alphabet just keeps going. And, WHO else should have had it together if not the Service? The "INFERNAL REVENOO SERVICE". Ain't no Service in that entity for sure.
@Jamierac wrote:
None of us mind if the form is going to take longer than another software program.
Intuit has told us it will take them EIGHT WEEKS longer to have it ready than other software. At least two professional software programs had it e-filing the first week of February. Intuit says not until March 31st.
Good news. It is now March 24th that it is suppose to be ready
@kc Our Firms been loyal customers to proseries for about the same amount of time. We too are done. Their constant downward spiral from year to year is outrageous. I see zero improvement in anything, and I see ton's of issues, and problems with the changes they make from the simplest issues like the calculator function, to the carryforwards. They don't care about the preparer's anymore it's evident in the customer service. Plainly, they suck, and we too will be looking elsewhere. Yes, when you have thousands of returns to prepare it's a major headache, but at this point can we be confident that the info they actually do carry is accurate? IDT so! They don't get ahead of issues and inform us prior to the issue, instead they wait and spin their wheels.
I hope you are being sarcastic. That is still a joke.
Amen, Brother, Amen. It's time for the professionals to decide what is more important: Our loyal clientele, Our Sanity, OR remaining loyal to a Corporate entity that stopped "giving a **bleep**" (Channeling Rhett Butler here........) about anything other than revenue. Corporate Thievery. Let's light candles for now, instead of cussing the darkness. We are all too professional to let them see us sweat. Twitching is okay, mumbling is a pass, but never, ever sweat. Our day is at hand!
My best sujestion would be try and get thru this tax season first. After the tax season is over investicagte and see what kind of problems the other software companies have if any. You dont want to be trading one headache for a brand new headache.
Every year there are folks lining up here to buy their bus tickets to the holy land of tax softwares -------- wherever that might me. And every year busloads of folks pull into the Intuit bus stop because they have had enough of ATX, or Drake, or whatever other software that disgruntled Intuit customers view as potential heaven.
That is why we must cool off before we make a decision about intuit no matter how angry we might be.
I'm staying. I have used other software and could not stand that other software.
It's March 7th..... I don't think we are overreacting.
They (intuit) has had plenty of time to fix this train wreck. Oddly enough, Lacerte has been fixed.
I am also referring to the Louisiana Corporation Return not being available. I'm not saying final, its not even available for download!
What you said is what I have been afraid of and dont want to say I quit untill I learn more about the other companies. Like most everybody else I have had my problems with intuit this year but in past years I have not had any problems. If you look real close some of the problems that people in other states are complaining about is actually a state problem.
Intuit diffently bears some responsibilty for this but the states bear responsibility also.
Lacerte has had it foir awhile as also ultratax
We know. I think every Software has it except Proseries.
The info will carryforward. If you have already transferred the file, you will need to delete the file and transfer it again after you update your software. Not ideal if you have already prepared the file. You can alternatively manually key the info into the file but I am not sure if you do this it will carry forward to the 3rd year.
Thank you for your update. I have 75+ that I have been waiting to complete and file, with anger being directed at me due to Intuit dropping the ball and not updating, thereby having access to either limited refunds with carryovers to negate the final year; or a number of what they may face in the final tax equation. News seems to allude to INTUIT facing severe backlash and possible litigation as relates to some of their past and current practices with TurboTax and other offerings. From my limited perspective it appears that Corporate has chosen to forgo Customer Service in the quest for revenue. Amazing that the thought processes of losing customer base doesn't equate to not needing the product offering in the future; that consideration hasn't struck the minds of those responsible. I imagine their golden parachutes and salaries blind them to the real issues. Take the money and run. As for me and mine, we will investigate the opportunities for success and partnership with other offerings to see if a more acceptable solution exists for the future. Loyalty is rewarded now with nothing but more frustration and stress. Time will reveal the whole truth and the paths forward.
Have the 8915-E from the 2020 return handy.
On the 2021 return:
1) Open Form 8915-E
2) Inside the "2020 Form 8915-E Distributions Smart Worksheet" box, click the box on line B
3) If on the 2020 8915-E there is a number on line 9, enter it on this form Part II line 12.
If on the 2020 8915-E there is a number on line 17, enter it on this form Part III line 26.
Once a number is entered on line 12 or line 26, Form 8915-F appears properly filled. That's it.
Not so tough once you get it to work once. Cheers!
Thank you for the response. Since the majority of my C.A.R.E.S. act clientele have already seen me for an appt. and I have entered the majority of the return information, I made a list of those that needed "revisiting" to complete the 8915-F. Success for me is seeing the auto-fill and tweaking the numbers and entering the disaster name and dates, thereby being able to close with finality and move forward. Since I chose to carryforward an amount equal to satisfy the burden for the second and hopefully the final year of this catastrophe (FEW, if any; really needed to access these 401-K funds, {Even with COVID-19, Layoffs, and other issues like shorter hours and income}; they just wanted to either get out of debt, or buy a new vehicle or stash the money for whatever! or because of their co-workers, friends, etc. did, and why shouldn't I? it's my MONEY and I WANT IT NOW), therefore I chose to carryover from year to year and "short" the refund for 2020 in order not to have to explain WHY????? Do I owe this year?? What happened???? "I had the tax taken out of that last year" and on and on......... Better to plan for the future because otherwise you are the messenger who gets the bullet! I just need INTUIT to have a method whereby they can import this second year into the final year and not have us professionals struggle to make sense of their madness. As for me, I'm getting too long in the tooth at 67 to have to stress with all this malfunction. I've lived through 44 years of tax practice, and did it by hand, with paper forms, pubs, pencil, pen, adding machine (old skool,) then a calculator, a SAVIN thermopaper copy machine with the slick finish roll paper, hell, even CARBON paper to make a copy at times, and all the changes, the postcard sized 1968 1040A, the 1040, 1040A (short and long), and 1040EZ, I've read more dang tax code than I care to remember, Publication X, and the list goes on. Pecking a keyboard is far easier, with a math-engine and calculations complete, even if this "box" has dumbed me down some. I inherited my Dad's practice and clients and I'm proud to be second-generation and had the opportunity to serve and support. Still, this year INTUIT let us all down, and I hope they are planning for success instead of continued failure in the future. As I said, time will tell. So, looking forward to April 19, the extensions are few, and I can prepare for the future of whatever may be next in the laundry list of "changes". I'm sure all of us will welcome the end of E.I.P. 1,2,3; Advance Child Tax Credit, the CARES act, and get back to "new normallacy". Till then, "Scouts Out". Hooah!
Dear Jim-from-Ohio, Which other software have you test-driven? Drake? ATX? TaxCut? What didn't you like about them, and was there a seamless conversion from Pro-Series or was it the "nightmare on TAX street? Just curious. Thank you. God Bless. Keep the Faith. Oh, yeah, and "Never mind them MULES, just keep loading that wagon.............."
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