Good evening, everyone.I have a client who had a traditional IRA distribution via 1099-R, and of the total box one and box two distribution, $7k was for a chari... read more
A client has a $300k promissory note for vacant land in NC - sellers are a married couple. There is no 1098. There only other mortgage is for their primary resi... read more
I have followed the instructions exactly when trying to e-mail my client's tax return to them. It shows that it has been e-mailed but nothing comes through an e... read more
New format this year from P.S..If I enter DE and add in entity name, then in DE section enter the member's name and SSN it comes out in an EIN format xx-xxxxxxx... read more
Have client that lives in OK but sold home in GA. I need to exclude the sale from OK income but allow the income for GA as client doesn't qualify for the federa... read more
I just received a 1099-S from a client and I am not sure how to enter in Proseries Professional.Can someone please provide me steps on how to enter the 1099-S a... read more
How to report grant received for medical school student? The income was reported on 1099G in the taxable grant box #6. It is my understanding that this program ... read more
Client received a 1099-R, code K7. IRA box checked, showing gross and taxable amount of 44,703. He never received any money as Global Capital LLC was determined... read more
New client brought me their paperwork and it seems they have been self preparing and filing an estate return for about 10 years. There were no assets and no pro... read more
I have a 1099- DIV with Line 9 filled out. TurboTax says go to Investment Income under Wages & Income I cannot find anything about where to enter that informati... read more