I have a client that received disability in 2024 and had repaid a large portion 16000 in January 2025. Can this be claimed on Schedule A for 2024 or do we have ... read more
Hi to all.Box 18 from a W-2 of New Jersey is empty and Proseries won't let it be empty or zerois saying local wages cannot be less than local withholding, but b... read more
Client takes care of her disabled child in her home. She received W2 for Medicare Waiver with zero wages and Box 12 Code II showing amount. My understanding is ... read more
Good afternoon.I have a client, dual citizen (Italy and US) that works for the Italian Consulate in Miami (Italian Foreign Affairs Ministry) and this is my firs... read more
My account is on auto renew, but my credit card had been hacked. I have changed my payment method, but can't figure out how to renew because my account is on au... read more
Have a client that paid off an IRS installment agreement for tax year 2020. Paid in full by the end of 2021. Received in December 2024 a CP 89 notice with a neg... read more
Taxpayer has inherited property from a friend's estate and wants to take advantage of the step up in basis. I need to know if this is available because she is n... read more
Hi to all.A couple divorced on 11/01/2024, and as of 01/01/2024, they ( couple and child) lived together until the divorce date. They have a child, and accordin... read more
I've been doing this person's taxes for quite a few years. He has 2 children and is disabled with a code 3 on his NYS Retirement 1099R. Every year since it's a ... read more
I have a client that has a Minnesota tax return and she has a 1099r and the program keeps wanting me to fill out info on the schedule M1QPEN. Is there a way to ... read more
Client rolled over $7,000 to a Roth from his MD 529 Plan. There were earning and basis as part of the distribution. The earnings should not be taxed or subject ... read more
I am not an expert in estate returns. This one to me seems a tad tricky to me when it comes to the correct #'s to use because of multiple owners and dates.The s... read more