I also received this critical error message: Form 1116, Part II: A foreign currency conversion statement is required for foreign taxes reported as paid in forei... read more
I have a client whose Employer changed their legal company name. Whatever the reason may be, they have the same EIN as the prior year, but the legal company nam... read more
Is there a way to set up direct withdrawal of estimated taxes for Massachussetts?Screen 3 shows options for electronic payment of balance due, payment with exte... read more
Since the customer service agent today was zero help with this problem I turn to my colleagues to bring attention to this issue.Let me preface by saying that I ... read more
What is the REP pricing for a2024 Amended Federal and Part Year Resident return. The original return was prepared elsewhere, therefore I will need to manually e... read more
page 3 of form IL2210 is not populating, I selected in step 6 Yes to use the annualization worksheet, and box is NOT checked for IL to figure penalty. What els... read more
Client surrendered property to State due to involuntary takeover by State of a hotel to expand roadway in April 2024. Client intends to do 1033 exchange which ... read more
when in client tabs you highlight the client and click the client status icon at the top brings up the client status window. when you check mark the lock return... read more
Friends, Ihave been (mis?)using e-Sign as a tool to send draft returns to clients for review. But it seems like there should be a better way of doing it. What i... read more