I don't do many of these since most of my clients are in Illinois.I have a client who has a vacation home that was destroyed during hurricane Ian..He didn't hav... read more
S-Corporation client has sold equipment. For book purposes, depreciation has been calculated using salvage values. Over the years, Lacerte has properly calculat... read more
Hi, I'm new to the community and to the software. I have a new client that is using this software (Lasarte Tax) but he is paying for a poor hosting in the cloud... read more
I have been waiting since January 17 for my Colorado returns to be transmitted. I have spent hours on the telephone with Intuit and I keep getting put off sayi... read more
Has anyone succeeded in getting a direct 1099-B download from Interactive Brokers.I am fairly sure I have to begin with IB's Reports/Configure Third-Party Servi... read more
The business has a license in Wisconsin, but no income, assets or employees there. I need line 2 to read 0% instead of 100% other than just overriding the line.