If you export to PDF, it looks fine but printing directly from Proseries is 7 pages of code or something odd. Wasted a 100 pages trying to resolve this. Do no... read more
Is there a way mask SSNs when doing aPrint Formother than saving it as a PDF and then printing the PDF? We print pages for internal use, and it doesn't make sen... read more
Have any of you had Lacerte disappear on screen? It shows that 2024 is open in the task bar and in the Task Manager. I can open 2023 and it displays normally.So... read more
Does anyone know if it is possible to print a prior year CA Form 3522? The client began its business during 2024 and I need a 2024 voucher to give to the client... read more
Anybody else not being credited by REP for payments???? I paid a large amount early January in advance for REP (I try to get close to what I will owe for the pr... read more
I paid a large advance sum back at the beginning of January (I generally pay in advance each year) and have not received any credit for my payment. I recently s... read more
Every time I print a tax return I need to print the additional information form for my clients but the Electronic Filing Information Worksheet appears on the fo... read more