My client sold her home in 2022, with a capital gain. Unknown to me they signed a separate repair addendum and $45,000, paid by them, was placed in escrow for a... read more
I have a client who was issued a "social security card valid for work only with dhs authorization" who wants to claim his family (all born in Venezuela). They w... read more
Ex-husband claimed the 1095-A on his taxes which covered his ex-wife and child. When I try to efile the wife's taxes it gets rejected because it is looking for... read more
This occurs on the Additional Dividend and Interest Information screens for both the payer and the recipient addresses and zip codes (even if I uncheck the tran... read more
I have a client with a 1099-INT with box 8 tax-exempt interest and box 13 bond premium on tax-exempt bond. When I entered this in Lacerte, it handled the federa... read more