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Form 1065 Sch b2, any idea when it might be available?

Level 1

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Level 15
Level 15

For ProSeries, at this time, they don't plan to make it available, they want you to scan and attach a PDF of the form....people still seem to be struggling to make it able to be Efiled.  Or you can file on paper.

I get the feeling other preparers are getting out the torches and pitchforks and are ready to storm the ProSeries headquarters over this.


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33 Comments 33
Level 15
Level 15

For ProSeries, at this time, they don't plan to make it available, they want you to scan and attach a PDF of the form....people still seem to be struggling to make it able to be Efiled.  Or you can file on paper.

I get the feeling other preparers are getting out the torches and pitchforks and are ready to storm the ProSeries headquarters over this.

Level 15
The torches and pitchforks have been selling like hotcakes.  The pressure is on Intuit to add the form.

Slava Ukraini!
Level 1
You cannot be serious? Intuit has know this was coming for more than a year. I do not plan to paper file 2/3 of my partnership returns. I am going to check with another CPA who is using Lacerte and see if that form is active on his software.
Level 15
Read the other thread....Lacerte & PTO have it.
You don't have to paperfile; you have to manually fill out the form and attach it as a PDF (supposedly PS made that option available with the latest update.
HumanKind... Be Both
Level 2
Well, this may be my last year with ProSeries.  Drake is looking better and better.
Level 1
I used Drake for about 5 years and had to change due to there not being able to handle some of my complex returns. It was no fun in this age of advanced software to be doing manual calculations. That was 7 years back and they may have improved to the point of being strong enough now. I plan to look at them after April and see if I can go back. I really like the company and the staff. Great bunch!
Level 9
You don't have to paper file - you can create a PDF copy of the B-2 and add it as an attachment to the federal return.
Level 15
I'm still trying to stir the pot to get us to the having a functional B-2, but it is a really big pot to stir all by myself.

Slava Ukraini!
Level 9
I have been encouraging everyone to call support and complain - that is the stirring I am doing.
Level 15
I know - I'm just trying to encourage more people to grab a stick and stir :smile::smile:

Slava Ukraini!
Level 2
I have been unable to find a clean copy of a B-2 to attach.......
Level 2
Finally found one
Level 1
We were informed yesterday by our Intuit account manager that the Schedule B-2 is anticipated to be released with an update on Feb 6th. They have received numerous complaints on this topic and have submitted a draft of the schedule to the IRS for approval. Let's hope it happens.
Level 1
sgunncpa - where did you find clean B-2?  IRS website does not have one .....
Level 2
It's there, just hard to find.  A search for B-2 will not work.  I had to go to forms and then search for B-2.
Level 13
Level 13
@michael  This is great intel, thanks.

@The Intuit Boris  We've been talking about this for weeks now, why do we have to hear about a programming solution in the pipeline second or third hand from another user and not from an Intuit source?
Level 13
Level 13
Right @IRonMaN....And I agree @rbynaker ....why do we have to hear of programming fixes @The Intuit Boris from anyone other than intuit sources. I know this new forum is important to you and your people but there will be NO forum without a stable product.
Level 15
What we’ve got here is a failure to communicate.

Slava Ukraini!
As a former developer, I tend to be a bit more conservative on pre-announcements.  I want to see it first on our release notes 🙂
I can confirm that the development team is working on it and they have been targeting early Feb for this release.
P.S.  We are on the last day of a fiscal quarter and as a public company have certain restrictions on pre-announcements that roll over to another quarter 😞
Level 13
Level 13
@The Intuit Boris Thanks for that. As a side note, has your team noticed all these issue re: updates yesterday and folks inability to print, crash etc....this one is a biggie. Im sure you have but thought I'd mention it. We do appreciate you guys....most of us are stressed out as is as im sure you guys are too.
Level 15
@The Intuit Boris -  then ya' might want to let that account manager to zip his lip :joy:
HumanKind... Be Both
No comment 🙂
As far as updates, it is definitely something that our Product Dev and Support team are paying a very close attention.  Releases are very stressful - lot of moving parts but critical for getting updates (especially early on with form availability).
Level 15
"Releases are very stressful"

Luckily there is no stress on this side of the field :sweat_smile:  

Slava Ukraini!
Level 13
Thanks, Boris.  I appreciate the quick reply.

@michael  How do we get the contact info of your account manager?  🙂  I'm sure we all have other questions that can't be answered here!
@rbynaker  I thought I had a good answer 😞
Level 1
Prob last year with Intuit pro connect. Done. They are too expensive to be a cheap tax software.

I have a partner s Corp and the software can't handle Part II. Was with support for hours they told me they would email me. I called back. No email. My issue went to don't care. So pissed.

So filling it by hand and attaching it works?  
Level 15
Level 15
The B2 is available now.  To get the partners to flow over to the B2 you need to mark a box on each K-1 worksheet for the 6221(b)

Level 1
Thanks, I wondered where ProSeries had hidden that election.
Level 15
Level 15

Level 15

Join this thread so you'll get updated info on when the castle will be stormed by all of those with pitchforks & torches:


HumanKind... Be Both

The B-2 is now live with the most recent update, you should now have a check box on your 1065.