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<@XXXDueWPen> not properly set

Level 3

Trying to compose Standard Letter. <@XXXDueWPen> displays zero (0.0) but both <@XXXDueBfPen> and <@XXXPenalty> display non-zero values.

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5 Comments 5
Level 11

There are letter codes that no longer work and it's frustrating as I have a custom letter for every client.


The above works for me.

Level 15
Level 15

What is it youre trying to accomplish? I dont want the estimated tax penalty to show separately on the letter, so I just delete that trigger code and line of text  The letter then shows total balance due without breaking the penalty out on its own line.

Ohhh, but you have XXX so youre working with a state portion of the letter?  Same with it, just delete that penalty line.


0 Cheers
Level 3


I was not clear. There is a non-zero balance due and there is a non-zero penalty, So <XXXDueWPen> should be non-zero.

0 Cheers
Level 15
Level 15
I do not see the behavior you're describing in the default letter, the balance due line of my letter shows the full amount including penalty on that line.

0 Cheers
Level 3

Please be sure to sign and date your <@XXXStName> tax return.
The <@XXXStName> income tax return will be electronically filed, do not mail the enclosed copy, but retain it for your records.
Your balance due is <@XXXDueWPen>.<@XXXDueBfPen> <@XXXPenalty>
Your refund amount is <@XXXOverpy>.


I have the three balance due amounts for debugging. I test before penalty because using wPen produces 'false' result.

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