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Since I am the worst of the worst

Level 15

Since a lovely person pointed today that I am the worst of the worst people posting here, I thought I would stick with that idea and provide a bad joke.  So everybody take a break from waiting for those 5695 returns to come back, and definitely stay away from high places so that you don't get the urge to jump.  Anyway have a good weekend (that's a bonus bad joke ---------- what's the difference between the weekend and a week day for someone in this business?)

Ole and Lena were on their 50th wedding anniversary cruise when all of a sudden Lena fell overboard. The captain of the Cruise ship searched for hours when he finally told Ole that he was sorry and that the cruise has to continue. Poor Ole was heart broken. On the return trip back to port there is a knock at the door and it was the Captain excitedly proclaiming they found Lena alive!!!!! She was holding on to this huge Oyster and inside the Oyster was this huge Pearl! Ole goes WOW!!!!!! Then tells the Captain to re-bait Lena and said to send her back down again.


Slava Ukraini!
1 Best Answer

Accepted Solutions
Level 15

@IRonMaN👍☝If you are the worst of the worst, then there is no Best of the Best. Me and Heidi are with you 100%.🐕🤓

View solution in original post

13 Comments 13
Level 15

Keeping on the theme of being labeled "the worst of the worst "

I made the mistake of allowing a client pull me into a political discussion today..  I was made to feel like I was ignorant, small minded, out of touch....etc etc. 

Not sure there will be a future in doing business with them.   Not sad about it.


We should have discussed the Super Bowl. 

Level 15

Sounds like another one that made the "former" client list 😁

Slava Ukraini!
Level 13

@dkh wrote:

We should have discussed the Super Bowl. 

Maybe not.  I had a client a couple weeks ago go off on a rant against violence in sports, football in particular.

Level 15

How about the table tennis World Championship coming up February 16th?  But I realize they are armed with paddles so it does have the possibility of being violent.

Slava Ukraini!
Level 15

@IRonMaN wrote:

Since a lovely person pointed today that I am the worst of the worst people posting here



Oh, now I'll need to dig through the posts to find that one.   🤣



@IRonMaN wrote:

Ole and Lena were on their 50th wedding anniversary cruise when all of a sudden Lena fell overboard. The captain of the Cruise ship searched for hours when he finally told Ole that he was sorry and that the cruise has to continue. Poor Ole was heart broken. On the return trip back to port there is a knock at the door and it was the Captain excitedly proclaiming they found Lena alive!!!!! She was holding on to this huge Oyster and inside the Oyster was this huge Pearl! Ole goes WOW!!!!!! Then tells the Captain to re-bait Lena and said to send her back down again.



Isn't that what all of us would do?  🤣

Level 15

Some of them I don't look at as jokes but as sage advice. 😁

Slava Ukraini!
Level 15

As a side note, I HOPE you don't CRASH looking for the post.

Slava Ukraini!
Level 15

A famous person once said that following tax legislation is like watching sausage being made.  Same thing can be said about answering tax questions.  And for that, you are the wurst of the wurst.  

Level 15

I'm even wurster than that.

Slava Ukraini!
Level 15

@IRonMaN👍☝If you are the worst of the worst, then there is no Best of the Best. Me and Heidi are with you 100%.🐕🤓

Level 15

I thought I could count on you but I was positive I could count on Heidi😉

Slava Ukraini!
Level 7

I am sticking with PATax and Heidi's answer.

Level 15

If you listen to Heidi you can't go wrong, although she does get a little messed up once in awhile on weekends after listening to those polkas 😉

Slava Ukraini!