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Just another day in paradise

Level 15

Ironwoman checked her e-mails before coming into the office this morning.  This was a great start to a Monday!  As a side note, since the return is made up of the husband's schedule C and the wife's W-2, how would a jury of my peers think the return is coming along? 😲

For the record, the e-mail is as delivered other than the artistic touch of substituting Ironwoman's name.


Morning Ironwoman.


Attached is the profit and loss for the business.

I think I forgot to send this to you.

I am noticing though expenses are not correct and again I think that’s from not putting in the checks so I’m working on getting you correct expenses.


From now on, can I track the expenses in a journal entry?



Other than that how are the personal taxes coming along?

Slava Ukraini!
29 Comments 29
Level 11

I would be shy about preparing this return. If I am understanding the situation correctly you can't be sure if the information supplied to you is correct.

Level 15

There isn't a lot of activity and the puzzle pieces can be put back together fairly easily so I'm not shy about this one.

Slava Ukraini!
Level 15

Oh come on.....I cannot understand why you don't have that return ready for signatures..... so what if the Schedule C info isn't available.... you've got the W2!   



Level 15

I received a package from a long distance client the other day.  They took the time to fill out an 8879 and sign it, so I guess I can call that return done and just send them a bill.  🙄

Slava Ukraini!
Level 15

Ok, so the day gets better.  Ironwoman just had some clients in.  In previous years they had a couple of residential rentals and a small schedule C along with each spouse having a W-2 and a little bank interest income.  The residential rentals were sold off a couple of years ago and in 2023 the schedule C was put to rest.  So they make an appointment.  Yeah, they found something called America Free Tax to do their own returns this year.  He has spent the last week and a half working on his return.  He has been trying to use the five bucks or so of expense on the return for hail damage that wasn't covered by insurance. The hail story was just one of the various other important matters related to their two W-2s and the few bucks of interest income.  As a side note, they have AGI of roughly $150,000 so they aren't out living on the streets.  Just shy of an hour after they arrive, they depart and tell Ironwoman they will see how things work out and let her know.  As a big side note, Ironwoman has a great deal more patience than I do.  Where do these people come from?

Slava Ukraini!
Level 15

You can't all have perfect clients like mine. 

Last week one of them brought me a bag full of lemons and tangelos, from the trees in their back yard.  The lemons pair well with the frozen sockeye salmon that my kid brought me.  He and his wife don't like the texture, not like farmed salmon, and I can understand why.  I'm experimenting with different ways to prepare it.  The tangelos are sweet and juicy and easy to peel.  I have one for breakfast every day.  

Same day, another client who doesn't have trees but does have chicken coops in the back yard, brought me a dozen eggs.  Different sizes and colors because the chickens are that way too.  Usually I have to go to Europe to remember the taste of real eggs.  

Level 15

 As a big side note, Ironwoman has a great deal more patience than I do.

I nominate her for sainthood.

HumanKind... Be Both
Level 15

They were there for an hour - not to have the return prepared but to have help so they could prepare it themselves ??      Ironwoman is too kind.

Level 15

Someone would have had to have held me back from my scissors 5 minutes (at most) into the conversation.

Slava Ukraini!
Level 15

Just as an added sidenote, someone dropped off their tax information in an empty box of Corn Chex today.  Is there a full moon?

Slava Ukraini!
Level 15

Have a client that usually gives me theirs in a pizza box. 

 This year it's a men's size 10.5 sneaker box...which cost $69.99

I would've got excited thinking the Corn Chex box was full of "puppy chow"

Level 7

Not sure how I feel about the pizza box.....unless it was unused.  We have someone that brings ours in a great big gift bag every year and it stays beside their recliner and it is always filled with crumbs and used kleenex....I keep reminding myself they are older than me.  A bunch of cheers for IronWoman.

Level 15

if someone is dropping off a pizza box in my office, there better be a pizza in there!

Slava Ukraini!
Level 15

@TiredFarmer   I'll take the used pizza box over used kleenex any day ..... 🤢

Level 11

Did the package also include some fireball?

Level 7
Level 15

It was surprising that this string was as long as it was before Fireball entered the conversation 😁

Slava Ukraini!
Level 5

Dannng! And here I was amazed about the basket, shoe box and various grocery bags some of my clients have delvered their paperwork in. Pizza and cereal boxes definitely take top prize! 

Level 9

I thought I was the only one!!!  Came to complain and you all beat me to it!

Level 15

We all have the same clients😀

Slava Ukraini!
Level 5

My favorites are the ones who give you a few documents at different times and the ones who have to show you every piece of paper they ever owned.  

Level 15

Ahhh yes,  the few documents at different times clients. They think we hurry to enter the additional information each time so when that magical last document arrives, we're all done in just a few minutes.


Level 15

Then there are those that think you are a moron and have to circle or highlight what they believe is important information on their W-2s and 1099s.

Slava Ukraini!
Level 5

Oh yes.  Like we haven't been doing this for a few years!  And the ones who tell you same as last year for donations, rental expenses, etc.  

Level 15

You have clients that tell you same as last year?  I haven't seen one of those since at least .................................... yesterday? 😜

Slava Ukraini!
Level 15

Sa l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l 🙂

HumanKind... Be Both
Level 15

I guess if it worked the prior years, it must still be good this year. 😬

Slava Ukraini!
Level 15

Off topic... but I'm too tired/busy to start a new thread....

From a client after I prodded her for a decision on his IRA contribution:

My apologies! I don't think I got back to you, but thought I did. I'll be at $4000 for this year, maybe a little more. 
Do you want the exact number? 
HumanKind... Be Both
Level 15

As long as they are close.  Wait a second, we aren't playing horseshoes or hand grenades so maybe we do need an actual number 🤔

Slava Ukraini!