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Form 8915F

Level 11

A couple of days ago I sent out a post telling you that monica at intit had said that form 8915F should be in our software in a couple of weeks. Atleast form 8915f is listed in our updates now but the availability is listed as 03/31/21. What the hell gives. Up untill now I have been on Intuits side as far as defending them for not having this form and blaming the IRS for this. But now I have to shift the blame to intuit. Not only is this wait much to long we have been lied to.

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15 Comments 15
Level 11

And today's Maryland business update has now been delayed by weeks.

It would be easier to deal with IF ProSeries would let us know what is happening, and WHY.  

Looks like I will be processing 95% of my clients in the last two weeks before the deadline.

Level 11

I have been with proseries for a long time now but next year I am considering going to another software. You shou read the heat I put in my survey they ask me to take after my recent phone call to them.

Level 15

I would like to clarify this part: "A couple of days ago I sent out a post telling you"

You are Posting on a discussion forum on the internet. You didn't "send out" anything. You made a bunch of Topics. If you go to the Main Page, you can see the forum is a Listing. If you go to your own username's Activity, you see it's nearly all "8915-F" and please, click this link:


This is not an email or even private correspondence. You are working on the internet.

Don't yell at us; we're volunteers
Level 15

To add: have you heard story of the boy who cried wolf? Because no one can tell what you are providing is any different than your bazillion other topics. If you had started One, and updated it, everyone would benefit by noticing there were updates. As I first tried to explain, posting the same thing over and over, without a meaningful and pertinent title, is doing a disservice to you and your ability to be part of the peer community.

Don't yell at us; we're volunteers
Level 11

Thats too bad because I am going to keep going on this untill this matter is resolved. If you find this offensive dont bother opening up my post.

Level 8

A couple of years ago, I called the Intuit President and read him (OK, it was his admin) the riot act because of the time it took from seeing a final tax form on the interwebs vs when ProSeries made it available. It was at least 2 weeks since the form was published on the IL Dept of Revenue website. I am telling you -- I got 7 phone calls from people all the way up and down the ladder. "How can we help?" "What form were you waiting on?" etc. It was a miracle...about 4 days later the form appeard in P/S and was updated so I could finish 25 returns that were backlogged because that form was finally made available. 


Absolutely true story. The squeaky grease gets the wheel.

As Biden would say "Not a joke"

Level 11

If you're doing true stories.  Years ago I had a HP printer that died during tax season.  At the time laser printers were $4,000.  I called HP for support.  Who answers the phone - CEO Carley Fiorino.  She said once a week she would answer support calls to see what was going on.  She overnighted a new $4,000 replacement printer for free and a FedEx sticker to send the broken one back to her.  I was never so impressed.

Level 11

I am glad that worked for you and I hope it works for me because I just read them the riot act thru a  survey they ask me to take.

Level 8

I had an HP printer that lasted for probably 20 years and one day it died. Not a joke, it came back to life the next day. I have since referred to it as Lazarus. Still running today!

Level 11

Lets hope 8915F comes back alive tommorrow.

Level 15

But @rcooley25 , if we didn't see a daily post from you about the form we would probably get nervous and call the cops to do a welfare check on you 😉

Slava Ukraini!
Level 15

"because I am going to keep going on this"

Why not put something Meaningful as the Title?

"If you find this offensive dont bother opening up my post."

That's not what I replied. I stated it is Meaningless. All you do is put the Form Number into every title. When you have new info, convey it to us.


Form 8915-F now expected 03/31/21 <== title for this topic

Then, you would tell us about Monica.

See how your participation would be more helpful?

Don't yell at us; we're volunteers
Level 11

I am so upset about that march 31st date I think I could use a wellfare check anyway

Level 2

This is not so good . I may lose clients over this delay. Are other tax software have same issues?

Level 11

There are other softwares like Drake that it is my understanding  that they have this form in their software. But who wants to pay money a second time this year for another  software? I have prepared tax returns for several of my clients who need  this form and I am holding the returns untill March 31st before efiling them. As of right now all of my clients have been very understanding about my problem.