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If Tax Season Is a Marathon, Not a Sprint

Level 11

Then it's the slowest f**ing marathon in history.  52% complete individuals, lost track on biz and 1041's.  62 in and not started (portal uploads and drop-offs).  78 waiting for information.  Haven't yet heard from 114. but I will, after my official cut-off of this Sunday.  And you?

12 Comments 12
Level 15

It's a marathon, but it's tough to complete when you are trying to run with two broken legs. 

Slava Ukraini!
Level 15

I don't count finished, in-process, haven't arrrived yet.  I used to count but it then I'd have an anxiety attacks.    I used to set goals of xx number of returns had to be finished each day to meet the April 15th deadline.  Only takes one client to stop in with an unexpected situation to destroy that plan. 

 I take one day at time - do what I can.   

Level 15

"I used to count but it then I'd have an anxiety attacks"

I do that periodically and then have one of your anxiety attacks.  I now find myself periodically reaching for a bottle of Fireball ................................ even though I don't drink.😬

Slava Ukraini!
Level 15

Just because many of my clients have been brainwashed into thinking that April 15 is something other than a fine spring day, doesn't mean I have to worship that false idol.  I can finish all the returns I have in the office now in the next four weeks, and probably the next dozen that arrive.  If the rest don't want to file an extension, why would have God created that privilege?  Or maybe it was IRS, sometimes I get confused by these religious zealots.  

Level 15
Level 15

I dont keep detailed track, I figure I'll hit 800 this year, and right now, Ive got 430 either done or "in motion", another 15 or so waiting for me to get them in the system, and my calendar is jam packed 8-14 people per day out to the second week of April.

Im pretty fortunate, where I am we've got an extended due date until October, but this is NOT how I want to spend my summer!

Level 15

@Just-Lisa-Now- wrote:

I dont keep detailed track, I figure I'll hit 800 this year, and right now, Ive got 430 either done or "in motion", another 15 or so waiting for me to get them in the system, and my calendar is jam packed 8-14 people per day out to the second week of April.


Do you have other preparers, or is that only you doing all of that?

Either way, that sounds like a lot of craziness!

0 Cheers
Level 15
Level 15

Just me.   The majority of my clients could probably really do it themselves with DIY software, its just data entry, but Im affordable, and Ive got free swag and candy, so they like to come see me  🙂

0 Cheers
Level 15

@Just-Lisa-Now- wrote:

 and Ive got free swag and candy, so they like to come see me  🙂


Can you do my taxes?  😁


Wow, that is super busy.  Even though they are easy returns, I would get overwhelmed with the constant flow of people.


Level 15
Level 15

the hardest part is scheduling them, some take literally 10 mins, others 30mins or more, but my receptionist doesnt know who to schedule for how much time, so sometimes I get some dead air between clients, not long enough to get anything accomplished on a mail-in or drop off (I hate starting and stopping a return without it being finished), but enough time to goof off in these groups  LOL

0 Cheers
Level 15

Your schedulers don't know who to schedule for how much time, because you are not telling them.  Back when I was more concerned about being efficient, I prepared a list of clients and marked each of them with an A, B, C or D.  A meant 30 minutes, B was an hour, C was 90 minutes, and D was two hours.  This worked well, 90% of the time.  There were always a few complicated returns that turned into easy ones, and some easy ones that turned into complicated ones.  Often I knew about these changes, the previous year.  

Would you actually schedule 15-minute appointments?  I would be tempted to do what the doctors do.  Schedule 2 at the same time, figure one will show up early and the other might be late.  

0 Cheers
Level 15
Level 15

I have her schedule 1 hour appts, but once I get a few on the calendar, I open up 30 minute spots between for ones I know are quick ones, and I take in drop offs on the fly if they show up to drop off and I dont have anyone at the moment.  Lots of my quick ones know if they show up here at quarter to the hour I might be able to get them done without having to making an appointment.

What I really need to do is put my mail-ins, portals uploads, on the actual calendar, this trying to squeeze them in when I've got time is becoming too cumbersome.  Or maybe just leave one afternoon a week empty for working on them.

Preparing a list of 800 clients and categorizing them A B C D sounds like a lotta work  LOL



0 Cheers
Level 15

You can print the list from HomeBase.  The first time you categorize them, it might take some time, but what else are you doing in late October?  Then just note any changes for next year, when you finish them this year.  

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