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Thought I would download the 2018

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Level 3
This bothers me. I have always drummed into my clients heads that THEY get their college age kids on their return--both the exemption and college tuition credit. Now, if that kid has earnings they can get the std deduction up to 12,000. The parents get 500.00 for them. So now the kid can go off and do their own taxes if they know to check that little box saying that they can be claimed by someone else. What if they don't check that box? What does it matter?? ( except you would probably get a duplicate SS# error). So why is that important in this scenario??
0 Cheers
Level 13
Level 13
I see your point but honestly there really is no change that I can think of. If the child files first, the parents return should not be able to be e-filed. The parent loses education credit if child claims self. EIC (assuming client qualifies) would be lost if child does not check that box. From that standpoint, there is no difference from prior years.
0 Cheers
Level 3
Thanks, I see what you mean--this whole thing just freaks me out--shoulda retired, but want to make it to 30 years and this is 28!
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Level 11
Level 11
@shyanne#2 downloaded it.. just carried over a simple 1040 from last year.. return opened up and i was like "what in the world is this"
0 Cheers
Level 3
LOL---All that junk on the top! Not the way I work. This tax season is gonna be a sloooow one. Check and double check everything, and read this site each morning!
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Level 13
Level 13
@shyanne#2 You are welcome and believe me, you are not the only one freakin' out. I am concerned with the QBI and the change in our software. Thankfully we still have almost 2 months. I remember my father wigging out in, was it 1986, Reagan's changes. I was prepping behind the scenes back then.
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Level 13
Level 13
Hhahahah!!!! I was thinking same thing with the forums!!! :laughing::laughing:
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Level 11
Level 11
@shyanne#2 I would rather work down a real 1040, tunnel down (quick zoom) to back up forms or schedules like we always have.  If the final product is this chopped up half pages and numbered schedules that is fine, because that is not going away, at least for a while, then so be it..

I learned to do returns manually  , a fair amount of time ago, and even in PS, I approach the return most of the time in the order of the old 1040.  Seems like a bunch of hops and skips to get around now.. not intuitive, (no pun intended but pretty clever all the same)
0 Cheers
Level 3
The QBI concerns me too. Tried to mess with it on my own return putting in my average numbers and it doesn't make much sense to me. A couple more seminars to go and hopefully this site will contain guidance on weird situations. You guys and gals are all great!
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Level 13
Level 13
:smile: Thats my plan too. I have 2 more seminars and one more I may pick up. There are also webinars and I've picked up literature (web pages) that I've saved for reading/studying.:smile:
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Level 15
Level 15
Ive attended numerous webinars and have a Spidell seminar in a few weeks....I think it will take actually preparing a few returns to get more comfortable with the software.  I'm in a state that wont be conforming to the fed tax change (CA), so it should prove to be a interesting tax season!

0 Cheers
Level 13
Level 13
I'll second that, Lisa. It most certainly will be.
0 Cheers
I can only assume the reason for that is the IRS release of the "condensed" 1040 is the reason for the multiple quickzooms.  Here's the information on that: https://www.google.com/search?q=condensed+1040+irs&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&client=firefox-b-1-ab
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Level 15
Level 15
We need a HOME button to get back to the top of the form, too much scrolling back from where those QuickZoom buttons drop you. (and the Home button on the keyboard doesn't do it)

0 Cheers
Level 15
Ok, you people have scared me enough that I am now going to download the software sooner than I had planned.  I am going to download it and start playing with it on December 1st ……………………………………….. 2020.  Until then I am going home and curling up into the fetal position.

Slava Ukraini!
0 Cheers
Level 9
I broke down and downloaded it with no problems. I usually wait until it a bit less buggy before downloading.
0 Cheers
Level 11
Level 11
@poolcleaner you can remove it after experimenting with it and download again later. that i what i am going to do
0 Cheers
Level 9
Good idea, Jim. @Jim from Ohio
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