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Corporate Extensions

Level 3

Is it just me or has the task of preparing corporate extensions been way more complicated than it needs to be for the last two filing seasons. There are just too many electronic errors to correct before submission of a simple extension. Federal is ok; NYS not too bad but NJ requires almost all errors be corrected before filing a simple extension.

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3 Comments 3
Level 15

Not being a slave to electronic filing, it took me less than half an hour to print them out and mail them in yesterday.  Fortunately my state doesn't require a separate form if the federal extension is filed and no tax is owed.  (Rare to see tax owed on those March 15 extensions for S corps.)

My problem was transferring them from 2023 to 2024.  They were in the 2023 data files, but 2024 didn't recognize them.  I had to open 2023; open the returns; and save them under a different name.  This happened with a few individual returns, earlier this year.  Technology is never perfect.  

Level 11

Totally agree. I've elected to use (if available) state websites to file extensions. I did one client last night, 32 states. Some accept the Federal 7004, others do not. It's no longer "fun".

Level 2

Yeah, # of employees are now required.

After I fix that, I get this "navigate State/City" error...but I close and reopen ProSeries and then I can extend.


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