How does the software know the residency status of a tax payer?I have a client that has a social security card. It has a disclaimer at the top, and the social s... read more
Looks like we use Form 3468, but yowsers, there's a lotta stuff on 3468! When I scroll down to the Solar portion its asking me about Kilowatt capacities Ac and ... read more
Is anyone experiencing Section 179 Depreciation reporting on page 1 for Form 1120-S? It should not be reported on this page. It is reporting correctly on Schedu... read more
Hello,Trying not to panic here, but all of my clients have disappeared from Intuit Link AND I can't find a customer service number to call for tech support. Whe... read more
Kansas forms for Individual returns are not masking when printing the client or preparer copy and "Mask Sensitive Data" button is checked. I've had a case into ... read more
System just updated to Windows 11. Keeping my fingers crossed that there are no compatibility issues. So far, so good.I did receive this message through and I'm... read more
How do you get the PTE to calculate correctly in the S-Corp for MN. When I activate the PTE it calculates the max they could off the K-1 but when you put in wha... read more
I printed out a return on my office computer. showed a balance of $ 3,911 due to client.. all was fine.. I backed up all returns today at end of day.. I came ho... read more
Partnership with two 25% owners and one 50% owner. Ten year rental holding is only asset in the partnership. 50% owner sells entire interest to both 25% owners ... read more