Hello! In 2016, client was a member of a multi member LLC (taxed as partnership) that purchased a vehicle (100% business, paid for by the business, using actual... read more
Why does schedule c input have a section named tax and licenses but there is not a spot to enter licenses expense just tax expense?Am I missing something?
Hi. Unfortunately the IRS has not issued my EFIN and it has been about 100 days. This is definitely them, as I have called and tried every avenue to escalate an... read more
I have a non resident alien client (F-1 Visa) with a W-2 that has FICA taxes withheld. I filled out the NR section in Miscellaneous forms. I have to problems no... read more
I need help with claiming Sec 179 Deduction for an S-Corp. It seems I can enter the section 179 basis and current year total and it will appear on Form 4562 on ... read more
I have a client who operates a general partnership. When filing their 1065, the federal was accepted but their Texas filing was rejected because of their accoun... read more
This is the first year I have my practice and trying to use ProConnect. Do anyone know how to make the system shows the stock sales in line 1b of Schedule D and... read more
It is now 4:09 PM Eastern. I have not been able to log in to either ProConnect or QuickBooks today since early morning. I have many returns to complete and litt... read more
Taxpayer moved from MD to PA 4/1/24. W-2 wages during MD residence that are being allocated to MD then taxpayer stopped working. Taxpayer receives SS benefits f... read more
I have a new client partnership return. It has prior year loss carryover from the previous year for his rental property. Where do I enter the carryover?
Mistakenly entered the wrong date for direct debit payment and submitted the retun. Is there any way to adjust the date after submittig it? I'm assuming no.
I have selected the appropriate items for Schedule A and entered the data, but it is not showing as a form to print out and attach to the 990-PF before submitti... read more