I'm having trouble finding the appropriate location to enter state PTE payments made in a way that will impact the federal deductions, while leaving the state l... read more
HelloI have a W2 where the Taxpayer failed to correct their state withholding. Moved in 2023 from WV to OH reciprocal states. 2024 is fully taxable to Ohio. I a... read more
Client is logging in from email link and gets "Nothing to do here, you have no requests yet." No email addresses have changed. Client is using Google Chrome and... read more
starting in tax year 2024, we are introducing yearly User Access for $99 per advanced user.* ===? Do I pay user access fee whenever I e-file? or should I pay ju... read more
Is it not possible to have a user role where I can have an admin or employee have access to printing in ProConnect and billing in QuickBooks without access to p... read more
Hello, looking for some advice here. I have a client that is a non-resident alien but has a SSN. He had five W-2's in 2024 and one out of the five did not withh... read more
The tax organizer in ProConnect only allows for 13 questions to be asked. Is there a more extensive tax organizer that can be provided to clients that involve m... read more
After 20 plus years of ProSeries, this year I am using Proconnect, so I am learning about credits. I believe I will be charged a credit if I print or efile a re... read more
Hey everyone, I am new to ProConnect and am still trying to figure out the system. I am currently doing a return for a client who resides in Texas, and they are... read more