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System (Enhanced) DPI Scaling not applying - NEED TO BE FIXED

Level 3

Really only for those who have a 1440p or 4K monitor and are using some sort of scaling...

By default, the scaling is horrible in Lacerte and all the fonts and images are blurry (low-res). This is not an issue if you do true-to-size scaling (100%) but having an UHD/4k monitor, you need to scale things at least 150% for Windows (done in Windows Settings).

Lacerte/Windows recommends that you override the program DPI scaling and let Windows do the scaling for you, this is done by checking the "System (Enhanced) DPI scaling" option under the executable properties. However, when I do this, it only seems to be applying it to the client list. The text looks sharp and legible in the client list and everything seems to be working. However, when I go click into a client and it brings up the table of contents, everything resorts to being blurry and low-res and it appears like the DPI override setting aren't being applied.

Strangely enough, when I go to the Lacerte user options and head over to Fonts & Colors, the preview window, which show you what the font/colors are gonna look like, actually accurately display the correct DPI scaling override and the text looks sharp and clear. It seems to just not doing the other areas of the program, with the exception of the main client list and those preview windows. Hopefully Lacerte can fix this and allow Windows DPI scaling to be applied across the entire program.

Let me know if there something I am missing here.

0 Cheers
1 Comment 1
Level 3

After doing some more research, the reason why the System (Enhanced) DPI scaling is not working is because Lacerte is DPI Unaware (really, that's what they call it). This is a developer thing where they need to allow Lacerte to recognize the override that Windows will do. By being DPI Unaware, Windows can do nothing to fix the scaling issues. Please developers, address this!

0 Cheers