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Post it notes

Level 11
Level 11

I should charge more for clients that use post it notes.. I just had a client leave and every single document they put a post it note on identifying the document. for example on the SSA - 1099 they wrote on a post it note "Social Security"  On the 1099 DIVs they used a post it note labled "Dividend Income" .  On the 1099 INTs they used a post it note labeled "Bank Interest" This went on and on and each document had one of those jumbo paper clips or a binder clip.  I take all those post it notes off as they often cover the figures that I need to see.  Also, I never have to buy binder clips again as they get left behind most of the time with me. 

14 Comments 14
Level 15

At least they took the time to look through their stuff and organize it.  I would give them an A for effort anyway.

Slava Ukraini!
Level 13

We all get these.  It's a spectrum.  At the other end are the unopened envelopes.  Pick your poison.

I had one yesterday with about half of the documents duplicated.  Here's the one I got in the mail.  Here's the one I downloaded and printed.

Level 15

 "Here's the one I downloaded and printed"

Two W-2s appearing because of that is almost a daily occurrence for me.

Slava Ukraini!
Level 8

I hear ya.  Yesterday I received one of these, but they were all stuck on so they hang off the side of the page like index tabs.  As I said to my office manager when she showed it to me "If you think I don't know the difference between a W-2, a 1099-DIV and a 1098, why would you trust me to do your tax return?"

Do they think they're going to earn extra credit?  Get a gold star?

I often tell clients who show visual signs of anxiety over their data prep "Stop worrying, this is not a graded assignment."

Level 15

I do grade clients.  The first part of February a client brought in their 2021 tax info followed by their 2022 info a week or so later.  Their 2021 Sub S return had been done timely last summer and this year's Sub S info came in with their 2021 personal stuff.  I put on their bill an F for 2021 but an A+ for 2022. 

Slava Ukraini!
Level 8

I have thought of getting some gold stars, but I shot the promo budget with the cool pens.

Level 15

I'll take unopened envelopes any day over envelopes neatly slit open at the side so the contents must be pulled out and then somehow squeezed back in.  I always want to just throw out the envelopes but I'm afraid of the consequences from someone who thinks like that.  

Be careful what you say about sticky notes around IronMan.  Remember they were invented in Minnesota.  I think it was a scientist with a failed recipe for lutefisk.  

Level 15

Those slitted envelopes get pitched.  I have never had anybody complain about the missing envelopes but if they do, I'll refer them to you.

Slava Ukraini!
Level 8

I ask clients if they want their envelopes back.  Out of approximately 400 individuals I have one who wants them back.  There's a note in his file.  I imagine what his file cabinet must look like, considering that one page folded inside an envelope is 5 thicknesses of paper to store the information on one piece of paper.  He also enters the same number in several places on the organizer.  Mortgage interest can be found on the Sch C worksheet, the home office worksheet and the Sch A worksheet.  

Level 15

I have very few clients that actually look at the return that I give them let alone look to see if I returned an envelope that has their mortgage interest total and their banana bread recipe written on it.

Slava Ukraini!
Level 11
Level 11

@Jim-from-Ohio … only worse when they scan the documents with post it notes covering the numbers and send electronically… yes, they do that too.

If at first you don’t succeed…..find a workaround
Level 15

It would take just one bullet from the client whose banana bread recipe you tossed, to change your mind about that.  

Level 15

But by the time they dug that gun out from under all of those envelopes, I would be long gone 

Slava Ukraini!
0 Cheers
Level 5

I hear ya!  That is somewhat less aggravating than a paperclip on every page, dissimilar documents grouped together, and opening every piece of mail they have received since the first of the year!! 🤣