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hold music update

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hold music update


We should look into changing the hold music, or being able to choose a different tune, I know it's classic and has been used for a long time, but some peaceful classical music or something a little more toned down might be more soothing while awaiting a representative to answer, especially with longer hold times during tax season.

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Level 15

I don't know what they are playing but if you are looking for something more appropriate, would ACDC's "Highway to Hell" be more fitting?

Level 15

The First Cut is the Deepest.

Look, Here Comes the Sun.

'Cause I'm the Taxman.

I can think of more.


Carla S
Returning Member

I have been complaining about their on-hold music for a few years now.  I mean come on, change it up for cripes sake.  Sometimes, I hate to even call because I know I have to listen to that offensive tune over and over and over and over and over again.  

Level 11
Level 11

Now I feel compelled to call and to be put on hold to see what song everyone is talking about. 

Level 15

It could be worse ...

On Monday I was CRAZY tired because I had a really bad night's sleep.  But even worse than being tired is that I had a song/music going incessantly going through my mind for HOURS - It was the music to the "Chicken Dance".  😱

Level 15

I agree, peaceful classical music is most appropriate.

Level 15

How about going with classical music played on an accordion?   Classical music ------------ polka style🕺

Level 15

@IRonMaN yeah but will we get the correct answer if they roll out the barrel?

Level 15

At least you will have a barrel of fun.

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