Taxpayer return filed and accepted about a month ago. Today tp receives a check for 1399.54 . Tp was not due a refund and with the amount i was suspicious of RRC issues.
I checked my documents and correctly claimed third eip received as per letter 6475. When I look in software i notice that 1400 was given to tp for herself but only 1 1400 for dependents. She has 2 dependents and both are under 16. SO i am confused why software did not calculate the dependent number correctly
all things related to child credit were correct.
Is there box somewhere i missed or is this fluke accident. by intuit.
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ok after call to intuit the error was mine. apparently line 7 is a manual entry where we the preparer has to multiply 1400by the number of dependents. I do find it odd that it carries the number for child credit purposes but not here. One more place to make a mistake as i did.
NO, but I wonder if ex spouse and filed using ssn but then child credits wouldnt have calculated properly.
its puzzling I checked other clients and all were correct.
ok after call to intuit the error was mine. apparently line 7 is a manual entry where we the preparer has to multiply 1400by the number of dependents. I do find it odd that it carries the number for child credit purposes but not here. One more place to make a mistake as i did.
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