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Repayment of excess advance premium tax credit

Level 3

Can someone please tell me how to get rid of the excess advance premium tax credit repayment as authorized in the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021? ProSeries told me that form had been updated the same time as the unemployment form, but I'm not seeing it and the penalty/repayment is still there?

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12 Comments 12
Level 15
Level 15

As soon as IRS has updated their forms and systems for this, Intuit will as well...its gonna be a few weeks Im sure.

Not sure how Proseries told you that, none of the software programs have been updated for it yet.

Level 15

I'm not sure who told you that since I don't believe the IRS has updated their side of it yet.  You just have to patiently sit with the rest of us on the bench.

Slava Ukraini!
Level 3

Who told me was Customer Service at ProSeries yesterday morning when I called and asked them she said "oh that was updated at the same time as the unemployment -- maybe your updates aren't working" !!

Level 10
Level 10

maybe the rep was talking about the query to find applicable affected returns. That1099-g query also lists the returns that have the Premium Tax Credit

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Level 8

@LB56 I think @dd4vols is likely correct.  If @Just-Lisa-Now-  and @IRonMaN do not have it figured out  yet its not likely the Intuit PS telephone operators have a correct answer as of yet either.  

I like a challenge, but I would also like to finish some things up.  Not yet.


"Thank you sir, may I have another! Thank you sir, may I have another! Thank you sir, may I have another!" 

Level 1

Did you find the answer to this.  

I can't get the excess premium tax credit to recalculate based on the new tax law either?


Level 15
Level 15
IRS hasnt offered guidance on how this should be done, so the software hasnt been updated for this yet.

Level 3

ProSeries updated this afternoon and removes the 8962.  The form still populates, but it doesn't carry forward to Schedule 2.  IRS still hasn't published guidance as of this moment.

Level 2

I’m fully updated with ProSeries and I’m still getting an error message for form 8962, the repayment amount flashes red, and says the software is still being updated to exclude the repayment. The excess is indeed not showing up on schedule 2, line 2, and it’s not being added to the 1040 BUT review still says I can not efile with the error on form 8962 of a repayment listed. ProSeries won’t allow me to exclude form 8962 if form 1095-A is entered. HELP!!! Desperate...

Level 3

I've done a few of those and I never got an error message. Sounds like you need to call ProSeries.

Lee Peters
Level 1

I am experiencing the same problem, and I believe my program is current.  Are you still experiencing the Error or have you been able to e-file the return?

Level 2

Proseries keeps adding the waived repayment amount to the total that taxpayer paid for self employed health insurance premiums! Even if you don't have it hooked up to a schedule C, the 1095-a numbers that flow to the Schedule A medical worksheet INCLUDE the waived repayment amount.  HELP!!  Is this correct???