This is like extremely rare, but I have an actual honest to goodness question about ProSeries. I keep a manual log of all of our tax returns. Part of the log is to note when a return is transmitted and when it is accepted. So part of my e-filing process is when I receive acknowledgements from ProSeries, I print the acknowledgement report that pops up as part of the ProSeries e-filing process. I then take that sheet and update my manual log. So I transmitted a Sub S return last week and did my normal procedures to track the return. I transmitted a couple of more Sub S returns last night and subsequently checked for acknowledgements. The acknowledgement report that printed in prior years was the acknowledgements for that specific transmission. This year the report is titled "Acknowledgements for Tax Year 2020". Since I just want to see what cleared on the latest transmission, I really don't care to see a year to date summary. By the end of tax season that list is going to be really long and it is going to get complicated finding the actual returns that just cleared. I snooped around print settings to see if I could change the report but these old eyes didn't notice anything. Is this an Intuit de-enhancement or am I just missing seeing a box somewhere that I need to check or uncheck?
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Our QA reproduced, so I guess this is a new issue. We'll jump on it right away - hopefully to be resolved and released in our Feb 4th release. Thanks for reporting.. sorry for the annoyance.
I'm not 100% sure what printout you are referring to. Are you referring to this screen, and you hit "print log"?
No that one prints ok. I've been clicking on it so automatically all of these years that I don't even pay that much attention to detail any longer, but there is another pop up to "view acknowledgements" or something like that.
Same thing happening with my acknowledged s-corps. I think once 1040's start being acknowledeged everybody is going to complain and Intuit will have to address it. Of course if someone else knows of a setting that can be changed to fix it, let us know!
@Orlando - Is this one of those changes that happened accidently? Is there a setting we can change or can you guys tweak this to get it to work like it did in prior years?
I'm told that should have been resolved with last Wednesday's update. Were you on the latest when this happened?
Help->About ProSeries, Version Tab wPro.2020.06.Something
I ran an update before I transmitted last night. I am on 20200060020 right now - but to be honest, I don't recall if I ran another update when I opened up the program this morning.
But then again, I would have checked for acknowledgements after I ran any updates, so the version number would have been in effect for the acknowledgements.
Our QA reproduced, so I guess this is a new issue. We'll jump on it right away - hopefully to be resolved and released in our Feb 4th release. Thanks for reporting.. sorry for the annoyance.
Thanks @Orlando . We do appreciate all of the help you have provided to everyone here this year! I'm not transmitting any individual returns until the middle of February so it isn't a big issue for me right now.
I was wondering if the update has been implemented?? My acknowledgement report is still showing all accepted returns instead of just the recent ones.
I haven't transmitted any business returns in the last couple of days so I can't say one way or the other. Have you updated your software since the 2/4 expected fix date?
I update my software everyday.
The fix maybe didn't make the 2/4 update then.
We are having this issue, so I don't think it has been resolved.
Definitely still an issue. I've recieved acknowledgements 3 times now and everytime it prints all acknowledgements recieved., not just the ones from the most recent transmission. Even if they were sorted by date it would help but they are sorted alphabetically so you can't just print a days worth. Hope it gets figured out soon.
Our problem entails that the "Selected Electronic Filing Records" option is grayed out on everyone's computer except the Admin. So no one can even get the "Acknowledgements" printout except the Admin. At our office the Admin is not the one who does the efling job so this is an issue.
Can you show me a screenshot of the greyed out menu item?
We are having the printing issue on acknowledgements too. Only Feb 13 and already six pages print. We need this fixed ASAP. Waste of paper, waste of time searching for the recent ones and inviting errors on recording. Please change this back to just printing the acknowledgements not already received as the program says it does.
We are also having an issue that even if no password protected returns are filed, the password has to be entered to get those six pages of acknowledgements.
We have the same problem. All acknowledgements for 2020 print every time you get acknowledgements.
We only want to see the current (not everything for the tax year).
Looks like nobody is working on this. Hope they fix it SOON.
We are having the same problem. Have you seen any resolution yet?
Sounds like the problem is still a problem. But misery does love company! 😀
Still a problem. A lot of trees are dying in vain. 😢
On this Greyed out option, did you select any records in the Homebase view? I see the same behavior if I don't select any records, but this would be expected. When I select records in the EF homebase the option is no longer greyed out. This behavior hasn't changed from TY19 to TY20. Maybe i'm not following the same workflow?
For my sake, could you indicate the steps and the expected result, and then the actual result? I want to understand your issue but I can't seem to reproduce what you're describing.
this is how I get to the report - E-File, Electronic Filing, Receive Acknowledgement Statuses - this produces a report that would show just the current acknowledgements. Or when I e-file tax returns I get a box that I can click on Acknowledgements that will also produce the report.
Try as I might, i've not been able to reproduce what you're describing. Would you be able to participate in a zoom call?
Brian - I am still seeing the same results as I mentioned in my original post. After receiving acknowledgements, when you select the option to print the acknowledgments, the printout lists acknowledgments for all returns accepted for the year rather than the returns accepted during that specific transmission. Was something added this year where there is an option to print all acknowledgments vs just the ones received and I am just not aware of where to select the correct option?
Other folks are having the same issue:
Why is the E File Acknowledgement process differen... - Intuit Accountants Community
I don't question that you and others are seeing this issue. My problem is i'm not succeeding in reproducing it.
I know its a busy time for you this year, but if you would be willing I would like to meet with you tomorrow morning in a zoom call with another engineer so we could dig in deeper.
Is this a progam setting problem or is proseries gonning to fix this
@tscott1205 No this is not a setting issue. We are working to fix it but we need assistance from someone experiencing it as we are not able to reproduce this. If someone who has an interest in addressing this would be willing to meet with another engineer and myself, we would appreciate the opportunity to dig into this deeper.
Is it possible to meet today? I am going to be out at a client's for the next few days, otherwise I would be happy to do it tomorrow.
Sorry, I can't get it put together today. Tomorrow is the earliest I can manage. Let me know.
I am leaving the office with an impending ice storm. I can be available maybe Thursday morning
Good luck with the ice - that's nasty stuff to deal with.
@IRonMaN wrote:
Good luck with the ice - that's nasty stuff to deal with.
I heard it reached negative 50 degree (actual temperature, not wind-chill) a couple of nights ago somewhere in your neck of the woods. Have you been able to enjoy laying out on the beach the last few days?
50 below makes the beach more enjoyable since you pretty much have it to yourself. If it hits 75 below I suppose I'll have to switch over to jeans and leave the shorts in the closet.
This printing of old acknowledgements is still a problem. Make it print just the current ones accepted please. eds,,,cpa
This is 2/16 and this issue is not solved,,printing all the past ones with the current ones,,fix asap,,,eds
[Inform] A fix for this issue is going to be released tomorrow. I'll notify this channel when it becomes available.
Thanks Brian!
2/17 This issue with printing the old acknowledgements with the current ones is not fixed,,,eds,,,cpa
It was supposedly just deployed. Try updating your software and see what happens.
We're on the West Coast.. usually updates from our team don't get released until about 11 am PST. Please give it a few hours..
It's fixed - thanks!
Great, thank you for the confirmation!