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Physically Excited by New Jersey Return Printing

Level 8

I won't get overly graphic, but I was absolutely ecstatic over the ability to print a New Jersey Return.  In my 30 years of preparing taxes, I can't say that has ever happened to me before.  I may need time away.  

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Level 13
Level 13

hahahahahaha!!! Take all the time you need. 

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7 Comments 7
Level 13
Level 13

hahahahahaha!!! Take all the time you need. 

Level 15

@GodFather @garman22 if that pole dancer sends some pictures along with that resume then excitement will indeed be the word..😉😀

Level 13
Level 13

I've got a client coming this Sunday who is an adult entertainer. I cant get too graphic here on what she does but......its pretty wild. 

Level 15

Are you going to charge your standard rates or are you going to "take it out on a trade"???. .. Just joking of course..🤔😉😀

Level 13
Level 13

Hahahaha!! I think I used that same joke with someone else who had an adult entertainer. I asked if he was going to barter? 😃 

My wife would probably frown on this. Plus the boyfriend is coming first for his tax return. She is a new client for me this year. 

Level 15

I don't usually accept too many new clients, only by referrals once in awhile. Most of my clients I have known since I was a kid (some say I still am one)....

Level 13
Level 13

I dont take cold calls. I will only accept referrals. I am almost at my ceiling of what I can handle. 

Im definitely still a child. Hahah