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One of my clients didn't transfer from 2023 to 2024; any suggestions for why?

Level 1

I have a client from 2023, but when I transferred all to 2024, this one did not transfer. Is there a reason why?  I have tried multiple ways, to no avail.

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8 Comments 8
Level 15

Go back to 2023 and make sure you did not input a date of death?

Answers are easy. Questions are hard!
Level 1

No, that is not the case. Thank you, though.

0 Cheers
Level 15

What do you mean that you tried multiple ways?

For the heck of it, I would run updates on the program for both years.  Then I would reboot my computer.  Next I would open the client in the 2023 program and see if the client data looks intact.  If it does, I would try the transfer function again.  If the client still didn't transfer, I would try making a copy of it in 2023 and see if the new file would transfer.  If that doesn't work I would give up and start the client from scratch in the new year.  But if it is a client that has a huge amount of data, I would consider calling support.  And then after a couple minutes my mind would be clear of silly ideas and I would just start inputting the client from scratch.

Slava Ukraini!
Level 15
Level 15

do you see it in the list to transfer, and when you transfer it you get a red error telling you it didnt not transfer? 

Level 1

No, I transferred 'all', but she didn't transfer over. I have her in 2023, first year with her.

0 Cheers
Level 15
Level 15

if you try and transfer her again, just her alone, what message do you get?

Level 15

" If the client still didn't transfer, I would try making a copy of it in 2023 and see if the new file would transfer."

That's where I would start.  I had the same problem with several client files.  I just reopened them and saved them with a different name (SMIT1234 became SmithJoe) and they rolled over fine to 2024.  

I had a similar problem rolling over MFS returns from one year to the next.  I did just as Bob suggested and I renamed the spouse's file.  It then rolled over without a problem.