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Multiple question and software issues

Level 4

I did my due diligence in calling ProSeries about one of these questions with no solution at all so am going to a source that has experience using ProSeries Tax.  Here are my issues; any help would be greatly appreciated.

1.  On Virginia, the payment form for tax due is not printing or showing upon the menu of forms used when a payment is due.  I can select the 760-PMT which shows up blank. It has a box at the top to check if you want to manually print, but when checked the form is still blank and I cannot complete the data because it is set to autofill

2.  On Virginia, form 8879 should be appearing on the forms in use list for e-filing, but now this year Form 8453 is appearing.  

3. On Virginia estimates on screen, a nice coherent statement appears about the requirement to pay on-line, but when printed an incoherent statement prints because it drops some of the instructions.  This is not new, we have been overriding the statement, but at some point one would think that they would fix this.

4. Invoicing--the federal forms charge is not populating on some, not all of the invoices.  We are not doing anything different and did not change the global forms pricing from last year.

There's my current problem list.  If anyone can provide any sage advice, I would be grateful.

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6 Comments 6
Level 8

I can only respond to #4

Some of my Global billing amounts mysteriously ended up on the line above or below where it was in 2023. I had to go in a correct most of my billing. You might need to check and fix your global options. 


Level 4

Thank you for your reply--I will check on the global billing options.

0 Cheers
Level 15

For number 2, I thought I saw someone post that issue a day or two ago.

For number 1, if you override the form and enter an amount, will it let you print?


Slava Ukraini!
0 Cheers
Level 4

Iron Man,

For #2, I saw that also--misery loves company -- problem still not solved -- it is a programming issue.  

For #1, yes, I can override the form and print it -- it's just that I should not have to do that.  This is expensive software with the worst costumer service. I talked to Proseries again this morning and they have no solution. I previously thought that I am too old to change and learn a new program, but now I am too old to deal with these programming problems and customer service who cannot provide answers.   Already thinking about a new program for next year.                        

0 Cheers
Level 15

You shouldn't have to, but if it would allow me to keep on trucking getting returns out the door until the issue is fixed, I would do that.

Slava Ukraini!
0 Cheers
Level 4

Yes, I know and I will to keep the process going, but I should not have to.  This is programming issue and they won't even listen that reasoning.

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