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Missouri Extension Check Box

So, I pay 7000+ for tax programs and ProSeries decides it's too hard to check the box on the Missouri Individual return when a properly accepted 4868 has been filed on the Federal.  I think we all should get compensation for having to answer all the state penalty letters generated because that box was not checked and ProSeries did not notify us of this update on the MO1040 or that they had not programed the program to check the box. Tech support says they are aware of the issue but had no revision date or even if one is planned. Missouri will abate the penalty if you email them a confirmation that the 4868 was filed timely but they are telling the clients that we forgot to check the box.  Felling a bit like Johnny Dep right now. 

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Level 15

I feel your pain.  Last year I discovered the automatic check the box when there is a federal extension filed had stopped on Indiana returns.  After years and years of knowing the software did this for me, I now have to go into every return that has an extension and make sure the box is checked.  Ugh!

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