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Missouri 1040 V payment voucher shows not ready for e-file. When I update the program the update shows "final - e-file not allowed " . Any thoughts ?

Level 4

The only way to print the state return is one page at a time.

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This issue has been reported to development and should be corrected in a future update. 

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13 Comments 13
Level 15
Level 15
Well the voucher itself gets mailed, not Efiled

Level 4
Yes, but I can't print it to mail .  I can't print any entire  Mo. return  that shows a balance due.  Only a single page at a time.
Level 15
Level 15
Huge amount of printing issues this year  :frowning::frowning:


This issue has been reported to development and should be corrected in a future update. 

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Level 15
But everything is a "future" update.  I think I am going to buy myself a DeLorean and go back to the future when everything is fixed.  Any idea what date I should enter into the time selector?  :wink::wink:

Slava Ukraini!
For this one it looks like development is trying to get it into the update on the 6th. With all the moving pieces happening on the back end its sometimes hard to estimate which release exactly they are going to get a specific fix into.
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Level 15
I don't use the form, but it would be really helpful in planning tax season if we had rough ideas when the updates are going to happen.  "Around" the 6th is immensely more helpful than "future" .  Thanks again. :+1::+1:

Slava Ukraini!
I understand completely. It all depends on the stage of the issue. If they are still working on the code changes then they often don't have it tied to a specific date yet. If they are done with it and in the testing phase then they may have a date on it, but if something goes wrong in testing it may not make it into that estimated date. So sometimes getting an exact date is complex.
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Level 15
Personally, I don't need an exact date, but it is nice to have a rough idea when things will be fixed.

Slava Ukraini!
Level 4
Thanks for the replies folks.
Level 15

Slava Ukraini!
Level 2

This is still an issue for 2021


Level 2

Yes it is!  I wonder when they will get the form ready so Missouri can have their tax money?