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Hey, it's been a slice of heaven

Level 15

Before some of the group packs up and heads for their dream vacation to Cleveland, I thought I would thank everybody for another fun tax season.  Ok, I tell a few little white lies here from time to time -------- tax season sucked this year.  But thanks for those that put up with my occasional sarcasm ----------------- ok, thanks for putting up with my constant sarcasm.  But as I've said before, it helps to have a little sense of humor to visit here.  For those of you that don't, please skip the weekly mind reading classes and try out the new offering of Humor 101.  Anyway, I hope this tax season hasn't made most of you retire or flat out quit the profession so I look forward to seeing everybody again next year.  For those of you who don't disappear after the deadline, I'll see you tomorrow.

Slava Ukraini!
21 Comments 21
Level 8

Seems that every new season is worse than the prior worse season for doing taxes. I think it's an IRS goal to put us through this annually now and see how many more of us have called it quits....   😞 

How soon till Intuit issues out CE Credits?

Level 11

I expect my renewal invoice from ProSeries by Wednesday with a sizable increase for new customer support staff.........

Level 13

@dascpa wrote:

I expect my renewal invoice from ProSeries by Wednesday with a sizable increase for new customer support staff.........

Sorry pal.  Once you get past Level 4 you ARE the support staff.

Level 15

"Once you get past Level 4 you ARE the support staff"

And your paycheck is in the mail --------------------- but don't wait too long by your mail box for it to get there.

Slava Ukraini!
Level 11

Not just new but someone who knows what they are doing.

Level 15

Do you know how much they would crank up your bill to accomplish that 🤣

Slava Ukraini!
Level 11

I plan on being here all year from time to time.  I have 200 returns on extension and my regular payroll and business accounts to get caught up on also.  I will be keeping an eye on INTU stock, hoping it crosses the $ 700 mark again and then splits, Four to One. 

Overall I give the software an A, only down from an A+ with the delay in some forms which I have told will be remedied for next year. Software stability I give it an A+.  Calculations and ease of usage I give it an A+.

Ohio, the state I am most concerned about I give an A+.  Forms were ready on the state side on day one of tax filing season.

Wish list for the future

1. no delay on forms

2. to be able to efile CCA and RITA returns

3. A two year comparison on state


Level 15

When you wish, you wish big 😁

Slava Ukraini!
Level 15

BreatheRight has strips for snoring, but not for snarking, and I can't find over-the-counter chill pills that don't require a prescription. Otherwise, it's fun so far, but this is only mid-April. I don't understand this topic.

"Level Up" is a gaming function, not a real life function.
Level 15

I set a goal to file very few extensions this tax season.  I'm either waaaayyyy slower at this or the returns are taking waaaayyyyy more time prepare because I have a whole heck of a lot of extensions. Disgusting! Last year I blamed it on the ARPA changes.  Guess it was just me.

So see you tomorrow and the next day and the next day and the next day................

Level 15

Just remember - April 18, 2022 is just another spring day.🌻

Slava Ukraini!
Level 15

Just remember - April 18, 2022 is just another spring day

Tell Mother Nature that....we had 2" of snow this morning.  



Level 8

I went with the opposite this year.. Twice as many extensions to keep things going for me. I didn't want to kill myself over the deadline this year..... I am sooo Calm at this moment.  LOL

Level 15

GLASS.png       cheers to that !   I'm going to steal that idea and say that's why I have extensions. 

Level 15

"Tell Mother Nature that....we had 2" of snow this morning"

We had 4" ------------- just in case you were trying to win a contest that nobody else really wanted to enter 😉

Slava Ukraini!
Level 15

It's not any better for the people at IRS.  As an editorial in yesterday's Washington Post put it,

Amanda Walters, a tax examiner who was hired 18 months ago, summarized the situation at the IRS in simple, yet ominous, terms. “I don’t know how many times I’ve heard, ‘This is not the norm,’” Walters told The Post. “This is my norm.” IRS workers — and taxpayers — deserve better.

Level 15

It was a spring day with a 95-degree high today in Phoenix -- but where my brother lives in Michigan, it was snowing. 

Level 15

Mallard Fillmore 2022-04-18.JPG

Answers are easy. Questions are hard!
Level 9
Level 9

I am with blessed that Iowa has a robust and mostly accurate return this and nearly every year.  It makes your job much easier if the home state is purring.  There was only 1 error early which they fixed in a couple weeks.  So overall I would give Intuit an A+.  Forms eventually got released and my clients don't complain when I tell them something is making them wait.

Also I don't like working in the summer and fall and Xmas time so I only have about 40 on extension of which 25 are either done or just need a couple items.  I already filed over 1,150 so the last few will be a breeze.  The rest of you good luck working all summer.

Level 15

I try to have as few extensions as possible.  This year I have a few more than usual since we got behind somewhere along the yellow brick road.  We change gears from taxes to auditing after the whistle blows for tax season regulation time.

Slava Ukraini!
Level 11

Its not nice to fool mother  nature.