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Geez, I think I am stumped

Level 15

I open up an envelope from a client this morning with a few documents and a sheet listing out what she paid for license plate tabs and a second item for donations.  Her note says:

"Donations - whatever max is without receipts"

I've checked pub 17, ProSeries tutorials, and Google.  Does anyone know what that max is?

For the record she brought in a 1099R, a SSA-1099, a 1098 plus that sheet of paper.  I'm guessing it took her this long to get her stuff in because she must have spent the last couple of months trying to figure out what that donation amount was and finally gave up 😬

Slava Ukraini!
16 Comments 16
Level 11
Level 11

I get that often.. whatever the max is, or I sometimes get, same as last year. 

Level 15

SALY is a very popular person during tax season.

Slava Ukraini!
Level 11
Level 11

yep.. first learned what SALY meant back in my Laventhol & Horwath days, right out of college. 

Level 13

Sounds kinda like "just take the standard amount."

Level 15

@IRonMaN the maximum for that clown🤡 is the goose egg🥚.

Level 15

Where is George and his "talking" ceiling tiles when you need him?

Slava Ukraini!
Level 15

It's when it gets to  'sallllllllllllllllllllllly' that it's time for the *come to Jesus conversation* and/or the buh bye chat. 

HumanKind... Be Both
Level 15

But I thought you could only have those on Sundays and I don't like to deal directly with clients on the weekends 😜

Slava Ukraini!
Level 11
Level 11


last year you took credit for $600 charity…

’oh no… I’m sure it is more than that…’

ok, your itemized deductions are 14,500 and standard ded…. 25900…is 10k okay?

’oh no… that’s way too much’

ok just tell me what number you’re comfortable with…..


If at first you don’t succeed…..find a workaround
Level 15

I'm getting a roulette wheel for next year.  I'm going to put various dollar amounts on it and allow each client one free spin.

Slava Ukraini!
Level 5

Isn't the amount written on your ceiling?  MY clients look up, scratch their heads and give me an amount to use.

Level 15

@MICHAELMARS you should have told them to use Head and Shoulders shampoo.

Level 15

George posted a picture many moons ago purportedly of his office ceiling with numbers on it to help his clients.

Slava Ukraini!
Level 15

I thought George's ceiling had the holes from the darts that were thrown at the numbers. It's not just a guessing game; there is some skill involved.

Don't yell at us; we're volunteers
Level 15

George runs a tight ship.

Slava Ukraini!
Level 9

There is no donation deduction without receipts. I would say her max is 0.00.

0 Cheers