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form 8283 not ready

Level 3

Are many of you having to delay filing returns because Form 8283 is 'magically' not ready?  I have called and submitted escalation to tech support because peers using other software do not have this problem.

I have found a workaround for now:  You can't list non-cash (goodwill, salvation army, etc) for more than 500.  You can put the remainder in carryover in order to see the tax savings.  You may see a reduction in client's refund, but it's the best way to keep your submission and revenue running, given that Intuit will not have an update till 02/06---and no guarantee it will be fixed.

If any of you are experiencing this, PLEASE call tech support and demand an 'escalation' about correcting form 8283.  To be frank, it's costs us money everyday we can't file and exposes us to competition.

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1 Best Answer

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Level 15
Level 15

bookmark this site and you can see when forms are going to be ready

Forms Release Dates


View solution in original post

23 Comments 23
Level 11
Level 11

Not magic ... form will be ready 2/6

Check the form status link


If at first you don’t succeed…..find a workaround
Level 15
Level 15

bookmark this site and you can see when forms are going to be ready

Forms Release Dates

Level 9
Level 9

Wow just wow.  Your work around may "see a reduction in client's refund" and it might also perjure yourself when you sign return because there really is no carryover.  There is a little note under the signing part of return concerning you signing a true, complete and correct return.  It is only a week away to when the form is finished and released.  Don't try to convince others to reduce client's refund and perjure themselves.

Level 3

Not at all. The deduction is the SAME whether it's on carryover or not.  

The 3 responses I see so far are obviously not WELLL educated in this business and this doesn't affect you.  14 days of holding 'pay by refund' clients is ridiculous. Over 10 years of using this software qualifies me to make this post, complain, and offer a solution.  This happened a few years ago when MANY OF US complained.  I was the one called out the delay for not being IRS-related then.  I'm doing it again now.  It was fixed within days--not WEEKS! We pay too much to Intuit for them to continually delay our ability to earn! AGAIN: The last time I did this, Intuit fixed it within days--not weeks! 

THIS IS A COMMON FORM. Other softwares aren't being delayed!



Level 15
Level 15

The form is ready in my ProSeries Pro. The only glitch I see is having to fill out all info, even if under $500.

It really is no big deal, as any of my clients that use it will not be in until March. 

Level 11
Level 11

And thanks to the super generous standard deduction thankfully I am not seeing this issue on the  1040 side so far this year.

Wow.. 2nd

You can put the remainder in carryover in order to see the tax savings.

Although slight, there is a possibility that this will delay the refund because the IRS might want to match it to the prior year.  Seems like a risky thing to me.  Let us know how it goes. 

(Side note:  testing the IRS computer capabilities in small ways like DJTENN is doing always interests me. I am for efforts to see what the IRS cares about.  Maybe this yields interesting info.)

Level 1

Turbotax is showing form 8283 won't be ready until 2/13 now.  I've made numerous posts about this issue and tried to escalate. This is my last year using Turbotax.  There are too many competitors now who don't have the ongoing issues that Turbotax does. 

Level 3


Most of my clientbase earn over 100k; so the 8283 is always more than $500. So yes, it's a huge disappointment to experience a delay with one of the most common forms. I'm comfortable with how I've worked around it.  However, I don't like having it being less on the federal form versus the state.

Level 3

It's not ready.  Type in $1000 and check for errors

0 Cheers
Level 3

This has been a common practice of mine for over 20 years.  Charitable is 50% of AGI.  

Most of my clients earn over 100K. Charitable is the key form to get them beyond the lousy standard deduction. It is also the best way to help clients save money.  

Further, I have only had 3 IRS audits in 20 years. I do have about 500 clients.  None of the charitable has ever been an issue.

My suggestion is to look more into charitable contributions and carryover. You'll be surprised at how much you can save your clients.

Level 1

Form 8283 is now delayed to 2/13/25

Level 11
Level 11

@taxiowa   Glad to see you're still at it... P&C report 2/10... I learned to work remotely (in Fl for the winter) the heart of the Grapefruit league

@djtenn2000  Wow #3     LOL....  kinda early in the season for this level of whining... 

@whatagem227    seems like you wandered into the wrong forum... we're not big fans of turdotax or diyers here......

If at first you don’t succeed…..find a workaround
Level 13

I hope you don't sell your services using TT. That is a breach of contract.

** I'm still a champion... of the world! Even without The Lounge.
Level 2

What is the matter of this form, all my clients have this, does that mean I can not file in two weeks? !!!!!!

Level 2

This morning it said the form would be ready 2/6.  Now it says 2/13.  According to the IRS the form is ready.  Who knows what it will say next week.  I want my refund and I'm not going to claim less on my deductions just to file.  My deductions are what they are. I'm going to escalate this

0 Cheers
Level 2

Find a workaround means file via a different source.  According to the IRS the form is ready.


0 Cheers
Level 2

Yeah.  Because we all want to get our full refund next year instead of this year. Ludacris.

0 Cheers
Level 2

Same here.  I pay for this type of software so I don't have issues and delays.  I'm not going to waste my time by continually checking in to see when I can file.  Tax season opened on January 27th and that's when I PAID to file.  This isn't free.  I can file for free if I want delays

0 Cheers
Level 2

Charitable is 60% of AGI.  If TurboTax is stalling my ability to file to get me to upgrade I won't be doing business with them again.

0 Cheers
Level 2

According to the IRS the form is ready.  Every time I login to TurboTax to try to file it processes me to the upgrade option. Hmmmm.  I got an email that said you paid but you didn't file.  I tried it again and got the same.  Maybe if I choose the option to pay them more $ to file my taxes I won't have to wait.  Hmmmm

0 Cheers
Level 3

You clearly aren't here to help.  

Also, when did this forum inlcude DIY software  (since you know so much)?

0 Cheers
Level 2

Also TurboTax is part of Intuit and that is a DIY product. I thought you were the one who knew everything

0 Cheers