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Form 1310

Level 3

My client tragically passed 2-25-24 with no will and very few assets. He is due a federal refund and since there is no executor for his estate his sister will collect the refund using form 1310. My question is can  I e-file his return along with 1310 as part of it with no signature in part lll, or do I print it, have his sister sign the form and attach it as a PDF.

The sisters name and S.S # are listed in the heading.

Part 1 box C is checked

Part ll boxes 1,2a & b are marked NO and box 3 is YES.

 As always thank you an advance for your help. 

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1 Best Answer

Accepted Solutions
Level 11

I have had a few this season just do as @Terry53029  stated in his post. Be sure to enter the personal representative's name on the 1310 and it will flow to the IRS e-file Authentication statement in the program and that is how the 1310 gets signed.

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5 Comments 5
Level 15
Level 15

I've always just filled out the 1310, and e-filed with return never attached as PDF. Never had a problem, but it seems like a lot of folks have issues. 

Level 11

I have had a few this season just do as @Terry53029  stated in his post. Be sure to enter the personal representative's name on the 1310 and it will flow to the IRS e-file Authentication statement in the program and that is how the 1310 gets signed.

Level 3

Thank you Camp1040 and Terry53029 for your help.

Level 11
Level 11

Was the sister appointed personal representative by the surrogates court? I wouldn’t file 1310 for intestate decedent without seeing letters testimentary. 

If at first you don’t succeed…..find a workaround
Level 11

You're welcome.

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