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Level 9

welcome back to all. My client has a earned income $8496 and 3 or more CHILD dependents. FTB etic calculation is $3242 on its website but Proseries says $2882.  Which on is not updated for California part? Fed is ok.

Please help.

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5 Comments 5
Level 15
Level 15

If you look at $2882 on the FTB EIC table, does the income for that amount match up with anything on the return?

Level 15

Does California still use Form 3514 to calculate the EIC?

If so, have you checked that form?  Does the "earned income" on that form match what you think it should be?

Level 9

Thanks. I could not find FTB EITC table just I used FTB website:    https://www.ftb.ca.gov/file/personal/credits/EITC-Calculator/Home

I checked, the amount of EITC based on FTB table's income, is for 2 children but my client has 5.(19 years old is a student  and 15,15,12,12 years old) 

Fed EITC is matched but CAL EITC which Proseries calculates is not as much as above hipper link or FTB table.

0 Cheers
Level 15

Have you checked if the California 3514 shows all three children?

I suspect it is just a program error, and you may need to wait it out.

0 Cheers
Level 9

Oh, yes. 3514 shows just 2 child, what do think should wait!!??

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