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Does anyone know how to resolve Error F8962-70? Customers have no insurance true Market Place.

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Level 2

Just to confirm, your client didn't purchase the marketplace insurance but received a 1095-A with zeros?  Were you able to input the form with the zeros & efile the return?  I just had this exact same issue & am waiting for the client to get back to me.  They also had employer coverage for the full year but in 21' they had marketplace insurance so I'm waiting to see what they find on their end.  They didn't give me a 1095-A but they're checking to make sure they didn't get one & filed it.  I wasn't sure if this was a software glitch or if the marketplace really sends out 1095-A's with no insurance info.  Thanks for the input.

Level 2

 have a client with the exact same message. She had no health insurance last year and NEVER contacted the ACA for a quote. She is young, so I thought perhaps her parents did. but they say they did not either. This is an odd situation. Did you find resolution?

Level 2

She did not apply, She did not receive a 1095A. Neither did her parents.


I have just produced a 1095A with a 1$ premium a bogus number in the silver plan and o paid. It resulted in a 1 $ credit. I put NONE in all the fields pertaining to the Marketplace identifier, plan and company. There seems to be No other work around. I am currently waiting to see if it is rejected again. This has me stymied.



Level 1

I hadn't applied either, but apparently my husband called to "inquire" about the cost (he was "window shopping" for insurance to see if there was a better option out there than what we had).  I guess you can't shop because they will submit your name as if you were buying new insurance. I left it blank I think. (I can't remember what I did)

Level 2

The Irs Accepted her filing. I am certain we will have correspondence at somepoint.  


Update: I believe what happened is a phone call with an insurance agent representing SUREHEALTH resluted in that agent creating a portal in Healthcare.gov in late December of 22. My client said that she contacted the agent regarding Surehealth (30$/ mo costshare program- not insurance and NOT offfered through the ACA):  he gave her multiple prices for "real health insurance".  She refused it and purchased the Surehealth plan for 2023(January). He had all her information and she said that he gave her multiple prices of plans and she stood fast with only wanting the costshare plan- so perhaps a 0 1095 A was produced because of HIS inquiry, but she has no way to get the form as she did not create an account nor did she ask for the information. This is all just conjecture, we will see what happens later this year if she receives correspondence.

Level 1

My grandaughters never had insurance thru them an h&r block always done my taxes an my tax man acted strange over it an it says her social don't match h r r nsme

Level 2

Attach a pdf file 

explain the situation BRIEFLY 

then the return will be accepted 

Level 1

I have the same issue.  Error message F8962-070.

I have a father who covered his two daughters on his insurance.  Neither is his dependent.  For the daughters, I indicated the same information on their Form 1095-A as was on their father's return but showed shared ownership on the smart worksheet with 0% share .  For one daughter, on Form 8962, Part II, line 9, the yes box was checked.  That return was filed okay.  For the other one, there was no check on line 9.  That is the return that keeps getting rejected.

Can anyone help or provide the phone number so I can call ProSeries for help?

Thank you.




Level 1


Level 2

The error message states that if you don't have a 1095-A form because you were not covered by Covered California that you should attach a "binary statement" explaining why 1095-A is not attached.  When I did this (a PDF file explanation) the e-file is still being rejected.  How do you fix this?

Level 15
Level 15

make sure you give it the name ACA EXPLANATION (in the attachment window) and spell it right, I saw someone that kept getting rejected and she finally noticed she spelled explanation wrong, once she fixed it, no problem.

Level 7

Same issue!  Client does not have Marketplace insurance.  Started working with him in 2016.  He has never had a 1095-A.  A couple years he had 1095-B.  

THis must be a bug in the system!  I thought maybe if I entered the form and just showed no insurance it might help.

Thoughts suggestions?  It's 4/20 just tried to file again still no luck - is Intuit working on a fix for this?

Level 7

Why are all these Turbo Tax DIY'ers able to post here?

Level 2



(I have posted this at least three times in the past)

go to attach PDF file in the top menu and type ACA explanation attachment and then say my client does not have health insurance from the marketplace and did not have it at any time in the past blah blah blah and then upload the file.  Do I need to send a video?

Level 2


this is NOT INTUITS fault. It is BETWEEN the IRS and the marketplace.


step 1:

using the menu at the top select E-FILE then scroll down to ATTACH PDF FILES

step 2:

attach PDF

step 3:

OPEN a word processing program and type at the top of the page 

             ACA explanation attachment

THIS CLIENT does not currently have marketplace insurance and did not have it at any time last year or the year before blah blah blah

step 3:

select add attachment on the left of that screen that just opened up

step 4:

A box will open up that reads browse for a file in your documents folder

step 5:

Choose the PDF file that I just told you to type previously

step 6:

under form/schedule and description on the right of that box that you’re sitting in, type ACA explanation attachment

step 7:

screen then says the PDF file is successfully attached and will be transmitted select OK

step 8:


step 9:





Level 2



this is NOT INTUITS fault. It is BETWEEN the IRS and the marketplace.


step 1:

using the menu at the top select E-FILE then scroll down to ATTACH PDF FILES

step 2:

attach PDF

step 3:

OPEN a word processing program and type at the top of the page 

             ACA explanation attachment

THIS CLIENT does not currently have marketplace insurance and did not have it at any time last year or the year before blah blah blah

step 3:

select add attachment on the left of that screen that just opened up

step 4:

A box will open up that reads browse for a file in your documents folder

step 5:

Choose the PDF file that I just told you to type previously

step 6:

under form/schedule and description on the right of that box that you’re sitting in, type ACA explanation attachment

step 7:

screen then says the PDF file is successfully attached and will be transmitted select OK

step 8:


step 9:





Level 1

My client did not receive 1095-A. Client received 1095-B.  The need for 8962 with binary attachment etc is wrong.

Level 15
Level 15

@carmennanquil wrote:

My client did not receive 1095-A. Client received 1095-B.  The need for 8962 with binary attachment etc is wrong.

An SSN on that tax return had a 1095A issued with it listed on it.   It seems that many times people use the website to see if they qualify or qet a quote and end up with a policy, and the policy doesnt cancel for lack of payment.

Or in the case with child dependents that have separated parents, the other parent may have the child covered on their marketplace plan, so your client would need that other parents 1095A for their own return.

Your client needs to reach out to healthcare.gov and see what they have for any SSN listed on that tax return.

You can get the return accepted electronically by attaching a PDF and giving it the description Tyep Other and "ACA Explanation" but tell the client to be prepared for any refund to be delayed and a follow up letter to arrive in regard to this.  So they may want to get healthcare.gov to send them something in writing that states they have nothing on file for any of the SSNs listed on the return to respond to this letter..

Level 1

10/15/2023 and this issue is NOT fixed

I dont know what to do and neither does Proseries

Level 1

Link does not work


Level 15
Level 15

The info I gave above DOES work, Ive done it.  If YOU cant make it work your only other option if paper filing.

Tell your client to be prepared for the letter from IRS that will require your client to get the missing 1095A form or a letter from the marketplace that states they didnt have coverage to reply to the correspondence.

Level 3

Look further up in the chat.  There is a solution posted.  Its an Issue with IRS and marketplace.  Nothing to do with Intuit and tax software.

Level 4


I'm in the same situation! This is first helpful comment. my client has no 1095A. i came here because it say to do what you did, my concern was to also be rejected. it says add a pdf file but i dont know exactly what PDF they're wanting us to attach. hopefully this is just a bug and will be fixed soon. please let me know if you find a work around or solution!


25years doing taxes!

Level 2

Thank you all but the matter was resolved.  Come to find out - the client DID receive a 1095 that she didn't realize she had 😞 

Please disregard.  Time to move on to bigger & better things!

Level 2

i tried that step many tmes but still rejected with the same error


Level 4

What exactly is the problem your having? have you tried attaching the pdf? It'll show a blue paper clip in your home base. Which product are you using? might try calling tech support.


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