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Cleints' Access to the Tax Return

Level 1

When clients are trying to access the electronic copy their 1040 tax return, what is the code that they should use?

I forgot.

0 Cheers
7 Comments 7
Level 15

Perhaps this is what you're looking for?


Your client should also have received instructions about the composition of the password when the return was sent:


Still an AllStar
Level 8

Is this pertaining to Intuit Link?  Is there some other way to automatically provide clients with a secure copy of their return through the program itself?

0 Cheers
Level 11
Level 11

@GodFather yes.. with return open, File > Email password protected PDF> Print > file is then placed on your computer somewhere > E-mail  (note: email address has to be entered in the information worksheet)

Level 14
Level 14

I never send clients returns through normal email, as it is not secure. There are several services, that send them encrypted for you. I personally use Encyro, as it is easy, and very affordable

Level 15

@Terry53029 wrote:

I never send clients returns through normal email, as it is not secure. There are several services, that send them encrypted for you. I personally use Encyro, as it is easy, and very affordable

Same here.  We use Verifyle.

If we do trade sensitive info over email, we would turn on the encryption option with a finite valid period in ProtonMail, which our non-ProtonMail clients can open with a passphrase which we communicate to them separately by a different means, much like how insurers communicate with customers.

Still an AllStar
Level 8

Thanks for the information, Jim.  I use Link to exchange information but it's good to know this option exists. How is the access code determined and communicated?

0 Cheers
Level 11
Level 11

if you start to do one (test it) you will see the password secret that they are emailed (the password is not emailed. just wording on what how the password can be solved)