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8915F line 26 not transferring to 1040 line 4b

Level 4

I did one and it worked like a charm.  Now, I am trying to do another one and the amount on line 26 of 8915F is not transferring to 1040 line 4b.  Am I missing something?  This is a new client that I did not do last year.  Any help will be greatly appreciated.  Thank you.

0 Cheers
7 Comments 7
Level 13
Level 13

further down 8915-E is IRA's. I didnt know this and I had to start over and re-transfer. 


0 Cheers
Level 15
Level 15

Im not sure how to get it to go to the IRA line 4b, doesnt seem to matter where I put it, it always goes to line 5b

Im only seeing IRA entry line for 2021 disaster distributions.

Ohhh wait, all the way down on Line 26  of the 8915E is where you put the IRA amount.

Level 15
0 Cheers
Level 11

Retransfer was not needed.

0 Cheers
Level 4

Still trying to get this to work.  Even tried doing it other than IRA - still not transferring to 1040.  Now, she already had an entry from another distribution in 4b. But, it will not add the 8915 amount to it.  This was only social security and the IRA distribution.  Do you think if I delete the return and start over it might work?  Either way, she will owe nothing - minimal income this year (just got divorced).  With the SS not being taxable and a small IRA distribution, she will not reach the standard deduction with or without the 8915 income. 

0 Cheers
Level 4

I'm an idiot.  The client got divorced. Last year's return was using the 8915E-S.  I tried to use the same thing and now she is the taxpayer not the spouse.  Anyway, thank you all for the attempt to help a dummy.

0 Cheers
Level 11

One dummy to another

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